Orion Ussner kidder

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Orion Ussner kidder


English prof at FDU Vancouver, specialize in composition and comics scholarship, dad, nerd, writer of SF/F fiction (see me on writing.exchange).

[bridged from @[email protected] by Bridgy Fed]
I want more of this. It started very slow, but it finished STRONG. I also require more of Manny Jacinto in this role. Holy shit. #TheAcolyte #StarWars#TheAcolyte #StarWars
Well (sigh),I put my #OSX drive back into my #MacBook.I tried THREE different ways to get the webcam to work in #Debian,and the closest I got was a moving image in the same two tones of dark green and dark purple.Most of the time,#Cheese#Debian#MacBook#OSX drive back into my #MacBook.I tried THREE different ways to get the webcam to work in #Debian,and the closest I got was a moving image in the same two tones of dark green and dark purple.Most of the time,#Cheese froze in a single still image in purple/green.Alas,back […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
If I wanted to get an external ssd drive case, but I loathed Amazon, where would you all recommend I go? #computers #Linux #FOSS #openSource#FOSS#Linux#computers #Linux #FOSS #openSource
C/O @AnarchoNinaWrites: These people are so incompetent. At least deputize others to wage the attack, you cowards. If there was any time I want Democrats to ignore approved talking points […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
"Are You There, God? It'sa Me, Mario!" (I thought we could use a laugh. I fear I have not provided one.) #ComicRelief
Now is not the time to remain silent about Project 2025.
Step four of "make tea" is pretty consistently "walk away and forget tea exists," thus leading to step five, "microwave tea and walk way, forgetting tea exist." Step six: "go back to five." It's not a good system. #tea #possibleADHD#tea #possibleADHD
A huge portion of the "replace #Biden" discourse in the liberal/centre is panic dressed up as reason. Look, regardless of how you or I feel about it, he's not going away. The party is not going to move to replace him. It's too late. This is the candidate you've got. He's an 81-year-old […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
I *think* #Linux on a #MacBook might turn out to be a bust, for me. There are some hardware issues that aren't working out. I'm going to try one more silicon to the webcam thing on #Debian. And then I'm going yo see if #PopOS#Debian#MacBook#Linux on a #MacBook might turn out to be a bust, for me. There are some hardware issues that aren't working out. I'm going to try one more silicon to the webcam thing on #Debian. And then I'm going yo see if #PopOS is any better, but of they don't work, then I'm back to Plan A […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
Has anyone gotten the webcam on a #MacBook to work in #Debian? Anyone at all? I mean you personally got it to work, not that you've heard of isight or facetime drivers. #foss #OpenSource #linux#OpenSource#foss#Debian#MacBook to work in #Debian? Anyone at all? I mean you personally got it to work, not that you've heard of isight or facetime drivers. #foss #OpenSource #linux
Can anyone point me at a how-to for installing #Synaptic packages in #Linux #Debian? I am trying to get the camera going on a #MacBook by installing iSight, but Synaptic is throwing an error at me that I don't know how to address, and I also think maybe I'm just not doing it right. #foss#MacBook#Debian#Linux#Synaptic packages in #Linux #Debian? I am trying to get the camera going on a #MacBook by installing iSight, but Synaptic is throwing an error at me that I don't know how to address, and I also think maybe I'm just not doing it right. #foss […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
I predict, in a month, we will have almost entirely forgotten the "make him step down" conversation in favour of something equally dumb if not more so. To be clear, Joe Biden supports *genocide*. This is a comment on America's thoroughly fucked media and political culture, not in support of […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
2/2 #Canada When Canadian conservatives brought doughnuts to the convoy carrying nazi flags it should have been Canadian media’s first clue. Then months later Putin ran his own mock-convoy as a shout out. Pierre Poilievre’s wife’s family has deep ties to Russian Oligarchs but Global missed […]
Original post on newsie.socialnewsie.social
The "Biden's old" bullshit is exactly like "Hilary's a crook" and "Trudeau's a traitor." These are terrible people who did some horrific things. But the right rarely* attacks them for it bc they SUPPORT those horrors, and their base would like them more if they knew. Instead, the right makes up […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
Holy balls, #Scrivener is touchy as hell under #Lutris. I think I'm switching to #Manuskript. It'll be less annoying. I guess it's #OpenSource all the way down, now! #Linux #Debian #FOSS#Debian#Linux#OpenSource#Manuskript#Lutris#Scrivener is touchy as hell under #Lutris. I think I'm switching to #Manuskript. It'll be less annoying. I guess it's #OpenSource all the way down, now! #Linux #Debian #FOSS
@LALegault @PBruce That was my reaction. It's a minority. Those are rare in France, but they were rare in Canada until very recently. We're in divided times, and those divisions are showing even in our coin-flip of a voting system. One thing remains true, though: the majority Do Not Want […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
Debian really burns through battery power, huh? I've been farting around for an hour, and it's gone from 85% to 30%. This is an old laptop with an equally old battery, but still. I hadn't counted on it being *that* limited. Alas. #Linux #Debian #FOSS #OpenSource#FOSS#Debian#Linux #Debian #FOSS #OpenSource
Teehee! #Gnome #GnomeTweaks #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource#FOSS#Linux#GnomeTweaks#Gnome #GnomeTweaks #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource
Finally found the bookmarks in Firefox ESR. Huzzah! One step closer to making this #Debian installation my actual "daily driver." #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS#OpenSource#Linux#Debian installation my actual "daily driver." #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS
Anybody have an experience with #Logitech Bluetooth keyboards and #Debian#Logitech Bluetooth keyboards and #Debian? I'm getting 1) noticeable lag, 2) frequent disconnections, and most annoying, 3) the keys get "stuck": "heellllllllo, it'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s nice tttttttttto meet youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." I've seen that the […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
Alright. I'm doing it. I'm turning off my #Mac, I'm taking out the hard drive (for the ultimate backup), and I'm putting in a new one that I'll put #Debian on. This is it! After 15 years of #OSX, I'm moving to #Linux. #FOSS #OpenSource #nervous#OpenSource#FOSS#Linux#OSX#Debian#Mac, I'm taking out the hard drive (for the ultimate backup), and I'm putting in a new one that I'll put #Debian on. This is it! After 15 years of #OSX, I'm moving to #Linux. #FOSS #OpenSource #nervous
Hey, just a word, it's rhetorically useless to say that the bad kinds of #Christians aren't "real Christians" or whatever. The logic is already specious—"One True Scotsman" stuff—but let's get real: loads of Christians and their churches have for CENTURIES been doing *exactly* the kind of shit […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
Non-rhetorical question: How did email newsletter services like #Substack make reading blogs so popular again? What would it take for #RSS to see the same success?
@mekkaokereke NB: I think Biden is a fucking monster, but he's a slower monster than Trump, and that's what we're stuck with.
@mekkaokereke @irvingreid (I'm honestly starting to wonder if us white people ever created anything other than racism and colonialism. We seem to mostly be into stealing and claiming credit.)
This is really interesting article. Translation reduces the clarity, but the point is: neoliberalism created the conditions for fascism (the "far right") to flourish. It made the hardships that fascists (spuriously!) cite as evidence that immigrants/POC/trans ppl/women/etc are at fault for […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
@GottaLaff Alas, Laffy has blocked me for pointing out that Biden has fully supported genocide in Gaza. It's too bad, bc I liked her posts, but I'm not going to sugarcoat a clear attempt to commit mass murder in the tens of thousands, break an entire nation, and scatter it to the wind. If you […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to
@adrienne Like, just didn't. If you find yourself in that position, recognize the circumstances and choose not to have sex with that person. I mean, there's no shortage of people in the world who'd be delighted to bang Neil Gaiman, I'm sure. Just pick one that's your age and not beholden to you […]
Original post on mas.tomas.to