
Ahh this explains why I haven’t gotten my scrip from 2 weeks ago yet (though CVS just abandoned it, so trying elsewhere) if both the medications I need to live are going to be on shortage this year idk what I’ll do
Drug Shortage Detail: Testosterone Cypionate Drug Shortage Detail: Testosterone Cypionate Injection
This one is ALWAYS a battle to get filled but previously it’s just been shitty pharmacists or insurance
Could you make an alternative formulation work? If your ins will cover, there are patches and gels that can work. Happy to give you specific product names, etc if that is helpful.
They're less likely to be covered and generally the topical ones do more of the side effects I don't want, but obviously I will get them if I have to. Have already contacted the doctor
Often this short production in drugs is intentional, in order to make more profit. It honestly sickens me.
This frequently happens here in Canada because this T is made in the same USA facilities as COVID vax and when a new batch of vax is being cooked up, T production stops Anywho, my endo has it on my script to switch to gel when there's a shortage
My advice to have your prescriber do the same
(I know the reasons as to why this happens cos Health Canada gives reasons for shortages and we have a site to track when itll be avail again)
The problem is that I’ll end up needing minimum a month for a new form to go through insurance, assuming they’ll cover it, which is very questionable because it’s much more expensive and I’ve clearly been using the injectable without issue
Ugh. Your "healthcare" is so frustrating. This is going to be ongoing problem because they'll always be manufacturing new COVID vaccines. It's been an issue for 4 years now, twice a year. They don't plan to fix it The other "solution" (rationing doses so you always have extra) has its own problems
Yup! And I have what is considered quite good insurance
Not good. Hope you're able to find it.
You can probably get it from a compounding pharmacy; I've been doing that for weight loss medication during that shortage.
it's less common in the US, but t. enanthate is pretty much equivalent (different carrier oil and marginally shorter half life - shouldn't make a difference for weekly shots but may if you're on every other week). use the same dosing.
you'll need a new Rx and often have to get a prior auth so it may take a few days, but it's not included in the shortage. also it usually comes in a larger vial which is nice!
I hope you can get it filled but it's awful that you have to hunt it down at all! this shit sucks
This AND adderall it’s great!!!
im supposed to reach out to my mental health clinic for my ADHD diagnosis but it hasn't seemed necessary mostly for this reason! these are necessary medications, it's genuinely fucked that this wasn't prevented or fixed by now
fucking mood, unfortunately
I moved over from injections to gel for this exact reason. My first year on T I was meant to have 12 injections. 1 per month. I got 5. My pharmacy even started new contracts trying to get a hold of the injections for me! You may just have to move over to gel.
I just realised you are from the US so ignore me LOL changing supplies is near impossible for y'all. sorry.