
I fear in some ways that, if we are unable to repel the growing tide of fascism, it will not be due as much to a failing of politicians. Or of the electorate and activists. Rather, I fear we shall be doomed by a segment of journalists intent on selling papers rather than the republic.
No system which necessitates the vote of the populace can be secured, in my eyes at least, by anything less than a well educated and engaged electorate. The cultivation and development of such should be the sacred charge of the 4th estate (journalism).
However, faced with an anti-intellectualist society and captured by outside forces that squash its independence the duty of education has been abdicated. Replaced with tepid entertainment at best and squalid propaganda in service of conservative ideas and the status quo at worst.
So often I have seen laments that not everyone should vote. Ostensibly because it is a responsibility and duty too important to leave to those uneducated in its import. So many see the solution as limiting the vote. This is foolhardy and self-serving. Far better to instruct than to restrict.