

He’s still a crook no matter what!
The experts elites politicos big donors Hollywood moguls and entertainers, they all got it wrong. Biden is running and can win. Time to close ranks. They should end the debate right now. He said he’s running! Defiant is not the word for Joe it suggests anger he’s confident. Maris poll Biden+2.
When do the high level Dems listen to voters and stop attacking there guy! Time to close ranks end the debate get behind Joe and win!!!
If the majority of the Democratic establishment would get behind Biden and join with the mass of Biden voters they could move this forward in the polls in days!
Time to coalesce around Biden and give him 100% support!
This ruling might be a cause that could unify the party and coalesce around Biden and hopefully create a groundswell that would motivate voters of all stripes to protect their democracy and Vote!
Wordle 1,084 2/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
No matter how our outer lives differ There’s an inner spark that shines in all
What’s up with Elie Honig he’s been down on this case all along. He’s been judge and jury regarding the testimony of Michael Cohen. He even suggested that Cohen’s admission about pocketing 30k from Trump doomed the case. What a swing and a miss. Now he’s predicting a loss down the road for the DA
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