Jackson Barker

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Jackson Barker


I think I'm startin' to figure things out.
I draw. Still learnin' to be a better artist. Still tryin' to figure out what I wanna be known for.
People I follow will primarily be those I consider friends.
No minors please.
I suddenly find myself in a bird mood. I want bird man. If you're bird man, please hmu.
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
Yes this includes NSFW. Just keep it sensible. No Jigsaw levels of weird art.
Sexually Suggestive
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I'm a femboy, not a slut. There's a difference.
Had some fun in an MMD world on VRC with my new avatar! Have some pics I took in the process!
My new favorite genre of music has to be space folk. Banjos in space!
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
Yeah, I'm a bottom. How'd you know?
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I neeeeed this controller
You know, Starfield may have not had the best reception or been the best game, but damn it had a cool aesthetic. This controller is $150 and I have to keep telling myself not to buy it 😂
Holy sh/t I hit 100 followers. HOW?!
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
Operation Delta Alpha November Charlie Echo
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
it be like that all the time
Y'all ever cough yourself into a headache before? Ow... damn allergies...
Who would've thought that we'd be dealing with a tornado watch up here in mountainous New Hampshire. Wish me luck, y'all.
I really love my friends. I don't wanna lose you guys.
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
Offering Received: a model steam locomotive and a conductor hat (#125) they're gonna put tracks all over the tower now
I can't help but feel like I can never get socializing right ever. "You want something from someone? Ask for it and be honest!" *Asks for what I want as honestly as I can* "Dude, no. That's too forward." "Want to be someone's friend? Ask!" *Asks to hang out* "Dude, no. That's too pushy." Help
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
Last minute addition to the 2023 art catalogue. Did this as an art trade with Jackson Barker.
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Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker
I love helping out my mutuals ^^
Please if anyone can, HELP MY FRIEND. They were scammed out of $600 and got their Discord account hacked to boot. If anyone is able to, please help them recover financially!
Just got banned from discord because oomf mistook me for the person they where trying to report. The damn stress of having to transfer ~$590 to be proven innocent was un-fucking-wanted.
For all my hyper furs: When you beat NNN, you should unlock an endurance mode where you keep going to see how many more months you can hold it in. If your balls are already huge after one month, why not try for another and grow even bigger? See how long ye can hold 2 months worth of cum? Or 3! Or 5!
Reposted byAvatar Jackson Barker