
"You think your job is a job and that's so embarrassing for you." this is delicious
AI really is just the next dotcom bubble. Techbros overpromising beyond the technology's capabilities to dupe VCs and shareholders, and eventually the chickens come home to roost. I'm sure it'll still be around as a tool-assist but delegating responsibilities to LLMs is just playing sillybuggers.
ai clones hacked my post-quantum
You are so right about how ridiculous that interview was. One small bit of defense of Zoom, though: the whole thing of offering post-quantum cryptography is not unique to them at all, and it's an idea that's taken at least somewhat seriously for certain use cases (mostly national defense).
On the other other hand, as you pointed out one of the main things they're known for is terrible security*, so I have no idea who would go to Zoom, of all people, for especially secure cryptography. (*They actually used AES in electronic codebook mode. That's a crypto 101 failure.)
It's gonna be here twice as fast as cold fusion