
Sulzberger and the New York Times political desk are engaged in an interesting experiment, to wit: whether it’s possible for a newspaper to direct the outcome of a campaign and election through sheer, relentless posting
The relentlessness of the Times’ Biden Age coverage has been an obvious power play on Sulzburger’s part. It’s an assertion that the NYT should be able to single-handedly dictate popular opinion and thus political policy. But “should” isn't necessarily the same as “can”
And “can” isn’t the same thing as “will,” when it comes to that. Pundits and journalists care what the New York Times says about politics, sometimes. Whether anyone else does has never been entirely predictable!
Today michael shear and the editorial desk has decided the most important story is whether or not an 82 year old guy with a lifelong speech impediment said “as good as” or “goodest” in an interview.