
Even if you are in a solid blue state, please turn out and vote for Biden or whoever the Democratic candidate ends up being. It’s important to not only win but show democratic legitimacy by a wide margin. Or to continue to establish Trump’s democratic illegitimacy to mobilize against.
Relatedly, I’ve always found it frustrating how rarely it gets mentioned that even if 2020 election deniers’ wildest fantasies were true, Biden would still have gotten about 6.9 million more votes than Trump, and nearly twice the pop vote % margin of Bush 2004, the last time the GOP won the pop vote
Vote. Every Election. Always for Democrats.
I know you aren't a fan of election betting markets, but they are currently showing a 30-40% chance of Trump winning the popular vote. That not only lends urgency to your call, but also to the more complex task of figuring out how best to fight on if indeed he does win at least a plurality.
They’ll claim it’s rigged anyway. Eeking out a win is okay too. Don’t let them move the goalposts on us.