
What ultimately makes Bluesky boring and disappointing is the lack of humor. I think that's due to it being well-known as a liberal echo chamber. It's not that we need conservatives -- they're definitely not funny! -- but we need apolitical nihilists. Apolitical joke posts just can't get traction.
But it's a vicious cycle, because the fact that this place is dominated by earnest humorless liberals means that even political jokes don't land. This weekend, for instance, I jokingly asked if anyone had any takes about Biden dropping out, and someone SENT ME MULTIPLE LINKS. Like, Jesus Christ!
Has anyone noticed that dril basically doesn't post here anymore? I'd imagine it's partly frustration that every post gets a torrent of misguided social-justice-y shaming, but also the fact that there's nothing to riff off of. Jokes just fall off into the void.
Like, where is Ian Bogost, nihilistically musing about the squalor and tackiness of his suburban existence? That kind of thing opens up the atmosphere, giving people permission to do something other than grimly venting at each other.