
the message from every corner of the US media ecosystem right now is "Joe Biden can't do the job of President" it doesn't have to be right, or fair, to sink into the minds of the people who will be voting in November propaganda works
Man, idk if this is going to work out
to be extremely clear: I think the focus on this over "the Supreme Court declares Trump is a king above the law" and the dangers of Project 2025 is dangerous, irresponsible and unacceptable but it is a significant danger to Biden's chances of winning in November
The thing is of course if he switches out they will rev the same engine to pull a campaign against the new person that will be the same except in exact content.
it's absolutely a risk! they could immediately ratfuck Harris as well but I think there's a bite to this one that will be hard for them to replicate, because it's easier to sidestep concerns about what the other guy would do in office if you point to "literally can't do the job"
If they can't deal with a disinfo campaign like this now, what makes you think they can do it magically in five minutes? The second you switch it becomes "Why did you let it go so far, why doesn't he resign, why should we trust you if you helped cover for this, how can we trust anything you say?"
And that is salvo 1 in the first minute. They need to deal with the attacks, more than anything, and so far they just aren't.