
In reviewing the anti #MissingMiddle application to the #ArlingtonVA Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) that is attempting to stop a 6-plex in the Alcova Heights neighborhood, I see it is 177(‼️) pages. I ain't got time to read that.... So I used Microsoft CoPilot 🤖 to summarize it. Here's how it did 👇
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A simple request to "please summarize this PDF document" using the CoPilot button built into the PDF viewer of Microsoft Edge got me started. Screenshots of the impressive summarization results:
I wanted to know more about the minimum width complaint. From my memory of the Missing Middle plan that was approved in 2023, it was very straightforward and unambiguous: "Please explain the minimum width standard for EHO" I typed. CoPilot responded:
Huh. OK. Pretty good, but I want more specifics: "Yes, please look up more information on minimum width standards for Expanded Housing Options from Arlington County, Virginia's official website." CoPilot dug through Arlington County's official website and produced this in about 7 seconds:
Now I pleaded ignorance on a term used earlier and decided to test CoPilot's ability to define technical land use and zoning jargon: "what is a 'plat' in this context?". CoPilot's answer was very good:
How can you apply for a not-permit…? (Questions like this are one of the reasons I am not so deep in the technical disco on solutions 😬)
I'm not sure what your Q is. Where does "not-permit" come up?
It’s an anti missing middle application? What does that mean?
It's a zoning appeal. The county approved a permit for a new missing middle development, but neighbors are filing an appeal of that approval through the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Yeah I guess that’s what I mean. I thought by right meant they couldn’t do that
Yeah, it's a grey zone, I guess...?