
Can anyone I know on here recommend a good mirrorless camera for a beginner (myself) that will keep pace as I get better?
I would look for Micro 4/3rds. Like the Panasonic GF3 or something similar. You can get a used body for pretty inexpensive and there’s a good amount of affordable used lenses available. As a beginner, worry less about gear or megapixels and buy books that feature the style you want to do.
And I also carted around my old Panasonic with 2 lenses around Europe for two weeks and the shots still look fantastic.
Thank you! Thoroughly appreciate the reply. Hadn’t considered micro 4/3s as an option, but will definitely be factoring this in!
Honestly, just look for a good deal. Don’t worry too much about technical specs. Better to save a little and just find photographers that match what you’re trying to do and work backwards.
watchu plan to do with it? multipurpose it? do you have some budget in mind? for body, for body + lens(es)?
Photography, pretty much – street/portrait is the intention. No specific budget in mind, happy to spend a bit more if I know it'll last me a good few years. Ideally something that comes with a good variety of lenses available in the market.
Honestly lots of good options with lens floating in the market I would say go for a Sony Alpha 7 (whichever is last years mid range model) - they've been a great mic of photos + videos I feel. In few years you could upgrade to newer body, but keep the lens. (Even canon is doing some great stuff)
Just make a trip to a store, try out what feels more intuitive to you.
Thanks! The Sony Alpha 7 keeps coming up as a good option, but you’re right, I should just go to a store and see what feels good to me. Appreciate the advice!
It's a really comfortable piece to work with, and honestly easy to rent its lens to in most cities (so you can try the lens before investing in those as well)