Avery Edison

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Avery Edison


briefly a comedian • not going to get yelled at • trans woman (she/her) • twitch.tv/averyedison • onlyfans.com/averyedison
july 15th 2024 / Freyja has been making it clear she want physical closeness lately, so I moved her cat tree next to my desk so we can hang out while I work. took her a bit to remember she enjoys sitting in the scoop
asked my gen z friend if she’s having a brat summer and she said no she’s having a sabrina carpenter summer and I felt myself fall into a deep abyss
july 14th 2024 / don’t go to sleep with your makeup still on. we know this rule. of course we do. but we still do it.
was working the night shift, tending my sheep, when I noticed a beautiful red sky developing. gorgeous to look at and surely a sign of better days ahead!
wow, just walked past two guys on the street and overheard the following true conversation: “say, fella, what would you call the successful assassination of donald trump?” “a good start”
july 13th 2024 / bed day. what can you say. exhausted and sad. really think the awful weather isn’t helping. I’m fine, not a looking for sympathy post. sad sometimes! it happens. but if this is to be a document, etc.
july 12th 2024 / after grousing about being forced to stream from my playstation for, like, three months, I finally got my act together and figured out hardware and software solutions for making my ancient macbook viable instead. despite appearances, I am deliriously happy here
it’s a symbiotic relationship. they tweet things about evil UK billionaires that UK citizens can’t tweet without being sued. we tweet things about evil US billionaires that US citizens can’t tweet without being visited by the FBI.
very lucky to live in the UK, because my favorite thing about summer has always been waking up to freezing cold torrential downpours
My partner told me she’s thinking of attending an all-female staging of Macbeth, and I said, “What’s the point in watching a bunch of women sitting around asking each other if they heard about what Macbeth did?”
july 11th 2024 / the mouse-looking thing freyja is blithely strolling past here is a toy I made for her. she loves hair ties so much I figured if I sewed one to a small mic windsock she might play with it. zero interest. regular hair ties ONLY
this is why we need to teach speedrun strats in school. very obvious to me and a lot of other gamers that biden has beaten the “one-term any% (no genocide skips)” category and is now in the “glitch showcase” section
Reposted byAvatar Avery Edison
quicksand? sure, listen—when I was a kid I was told about yeerks. you know yeerks? space slugs, they slide in your ear, take over your brain. you’re locked in your own body. terrifying. and then I grew up. and there’s no yeerks. but get this: you’re still locked in your own body
not saying The Boys are bad at their job, but I have an established set of Shapeshifter Protocols ready to go at any time, and I don’t even live in a world where shapeshifters exist
when someone I love and who is deeply concerned for me recommends that I see a therapist
normally I don’t think quote-tweeting with a “this you?” is particularly effective as a political act but honestly if you catch biden with a strong enough one in the back half of the day you might shatter his mind permanently and save the democratic party
[watching a movie] how am I seeing this? I’m not there. whoa, now I’m seeing it from a different angle? but I didn’t move! okay, I just lost a bunch of time, I must’ve blacked out or something. and where have I woken up? somewhere new, for sure, but luckily I’m still in my chair
july 10th 2024 / the last thing a full english breakfast sees before it dies
july 9th 2024 / kept waiting for the rain to calm down so I could make a grocery run, by the time it did it was so dark out that this selfie came out all impressionistic.
my one bookseller opinion is that if you’re running a sale in the philosophy section there should be a huge sign that says “deep discounts”
A few days in, I feel like I’m living in a completely different reality to anyone who’s excited about Labour’s win. The party have made no promises about actually improving the country, and the things they have pledged to do will make things worse. We’re cooked.
I value people who *say* mean things but *do* nice things.
july 8th 2024 / bleh, meh, whateveh. spose I’m just in a down period, which happens! hiding in my hair a little?
july 7th 2024 / hey! if you have a shitty gamer chair, do NOT stick your arm through the gap under the headrest as you absently lean against it while you’re talking to someone on the phone, your leaning might make the chair tip over, bringing its full weight to bear on your wrist
july 6th 2024 / did NOT mean to freak anyone out or make people overly concerned, really thought I was doing a sober yet honest note about a rough day, like the rough days we all have. I appreciate everyone who reached out or replied with kind words. better days ahead!
july 5th 2024 / truly bad, bad, bad day over here. personal stuff. obviously sucks to post a pic where I’m crying and puffy and gross but that’s the thing about posting a picture every day, if you’re crying a lot on a given day the picture will have to be of you crying
july 5th 2024 / truly bad, bad, bad day over here. personal stuff. obviously sucks to post a pic where I’m crying and puffy and gross but that’s the thing about posting a picture every day, if you’re crying a lot on a given day the picture will have to be of you crying
july 4th 2024 / not only do I think you should get paid to vote, I also think that if you accidentally stay up all night and end up being one of the first five people to vote at your polling station, you should get a bonus. at the very least a ribbon and certificate
july 3rd 2024 / today someone came into the stream, typed “your beautiful” and bounced. and I know you can’t look for logic in these situations but I wonder what the goal was there. “no, don’t leave the chat window, I *must* fuck you”???
july 2nd 2024 / skipped conditioner today, but luckily, it’s absolutely impossible to tell(.)