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Not principally against flamethrowers
Phew, finally finished all of the stuff I needed to write for a friend's warranty claim that has gone horribly. He's so obviously in the right, and the company is trying to avoid any responsibility, when the workshop they sent his laptop to literally sabotaged the laptop to void his warranty.
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair #art
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair #art
Maybe I should pivot a little bit more towards art on here?
An oil Painting of a precious kitty named, "Zaatar" For Dalia and Mohammed Mohisen, who are displaced again and again because of Israel's attacks on Gaza. Help save their lives: www.gofundme.com/f/q4q9xc-hel... #art #oilpainting #gaza #palestine #freePalestine
This is my cat"Zaatar" Zaatar died because of the war here, and I couldn't even help him because everything is scarce, even medical care for animals. I lost my dearest possession and my closest friend. I don't want to lose anyone else. Please help me to save my family🍉🇵🇸❤️ gofund.me/6d3bce17 #freeGaza
Man, I get that the slower pace of bluesky is probably healthier, and forces me to touch grass, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my old twitter account. I still have no idea why I was suspended. The only discourse I was involved with at the time was the Haus of decline discourse
I have a playlist of music that makes me uncomfortable or gives me anxiety Sometimes you just need to feel like someone is chasing you, you know?
I guess these are no longer on twitter Take them, help yourselves
One of my friends is moving away from his white-supremacist family, and is moving here! :D
Hey folks, a close friend's parent is needing a little help to get secure housing. I'm sharing this so hopefully it gets a little visibility and love on here. This is a very kind individual who helped me growing up many times. I would love for them to he stable and happy. gofund.me/19b7a93e
Support Jude's Journey to an Affordable Home, organized by Jude Richgofund.me Help Jude Move into a New Home Hello, my name is Jude, and I'm reaching out… Jude Rich needs your support for Support Jude's Journey to an Affordable Home
I love that there is no good way to search for high quality mods on nexus. Instead, the most incredible content mods for cyberpunk 2077 are buried among 700,000 different lingerie mods
Sometimes one of my friends can be a little clueless, I let him borrow my old bike because his was stolen. He's punctured the tire, and now that I need the bike, he just says I can come and pick it up. Dude, you can come over with it, I don't have a car.
Who do I start fights with on bluesky if there aren't and chuds?
Yeah, actually, what I really needed to cap off this bad week was for my electric bike to break down, really great stuff fml
Maybe it's good that bluesky is a little slower than Twitter, because I spend considerably less time here I just wish a lot of the mutuals I had were in here
What I defo needed today was an anxiety attack at the self-checkout in the grocery store in plain view of a security guard, that was cool
I need to eat, but I'm sort of ADHD locked at my computer
Can I be less responsible about what I say here on bluesky? Can I , like, say what I actually think, without a filter?
Welp. I guess that's it for me on twitter. My accounts just get suspended for ban evasaion, evading a ban for evading a ban that never happened. Cool.
Shhh, do t tell twitter, but I'm a little bit high, and a little bit drink right now, it's a. Secret
Humanity peaked with cheese, and since then it's all gone down hill