
Yea… it’s so crazy! Still can’t believe it… 😞
I don't know. A lot of this has been eroded for a very long time (Ex: the 4th amendment has been for over a century, the 8th never really worked, etc.) The last straw has been coming since 2016, but ending Chevron was utter insanity. I didn't predict the Supreme Court ending US rule of law.
Yea, I didn’t really see that coming either. After the overturning of Roe, I knew thing would probably be bad, but I didn’t think they’d do this. But you’re right, things have been crumbling for a quite a while. It’s pretty sad… 😞
I choose to have hope. When we get through this, and have the power in place to change it, we will be in the place to seriously address the flaws that have cropped up over time.
I really hope that things will get better soon and that we can eventually make some positive changes…