
Awesome! I wish E Jean Carol's lawyers would get with Stormy and refile a lawsuit against trump. She shouldn't have to pay that asshat one single dime. And she NEEDS a good lawyer.
You know his lawyers are insisting on her filling in some form that gives identifying details of her 13 yr old daughter and location. She refused and was threatened with arrest. That pedo is a monster. Glad she can get a safe house somewhere. Be nice if Roberta Kaplan would do a pro bono for her.
I read that. It's shocking that a judge would go along with that BS. What legit reason do they have for wanting the info of a 13 year old girl? Unfuckingbelievable. And why she needs a better lawyer. This BS while the Epstein case comes to light and the fucking MSM ignores the Pedo. GRRRRRRRRRR
Damn frustrating. Let’s see what the British press uncovers. They’re on it. They need to find those girls who are grown women now. I wish!