
100% this. It's incredibly easy for "here's this extra bit of nuance for onlookers to consider" to come across as "This is wrong *because* of this nuance" or "you haven't considered this" if you're not explicitly agreeing (especially with online discourse making confrontation equally or more likely)
Tapping again on the sign that says if you want to interject with commentary or elaboration on something you agree with, but let the agreement go without saying, you risk your reply being indistinguishable from an argument. "Yes, and." Doesn't have to be those words, but make your intentions clear.
Heck, I can't find the precise example, but I remember commenting about something on, like, reddit, and one of the replies to me re-phrased the entirety what I'd said. Despite being semantically the same, I was thinking "Did I write what I said wrong?" "Did they misinterpret me?"
I'm going to print this up real big and put it on the refrigerator. This needs to be a house rule.