
Listen, I'm so friggin disgusted over what is probably happening over at Automattic (Tumblr, WordPress dot com) so, if you have a blog over at WordPress dot com, I will help you migrate to a self-hosted WordPress install. Yes, for free. From a professional web dev. Reach out if you need help!
Email me: [email protected] or send a contact form submission at Do not be shy. I can have this done for you and onto a new hoster (provided you are prepared) in literal minutes. If you are just lost as to what to do, I'll advise you too
Contact Foundation Web Design & Development in Need to get in touch? Reach out now to start your adventure and contact Foundation Web Design & Development!
I am currently looking for a place to host my nsfw webcomic and I am trying to find the cheapest option that actually can have a flippable comic but also not give to these massive mega corps that dont care. Any ideas?
Yeah! Definitely a self-hosted WordPress site. I don't know of a flippable page plugin off-hand but I've seen it done. Dreamhost is pretty good for a nsfw hoster too. You'll never get fully away from the mega corps that don't care unless you're absolutely coding from scratch & hosting from home
I am also aware how funny it sounds to be like "I'll get you off WordPress... Also I suggest WordPress!" Bc .com and .org and *very* different ecosystems. It's confusing and I hate it
Thank you, i will definitely look into it and see if i can get something figured out.
If you shoot me an email I'd be happy to help you get set up. It's late here though and I know myself... If I don't have an email I will forget 😂 so if you send me one we can talk more and I can give you some recs!
Ok I will get an email sent either tonight or tomorrow thanks again
For both of your interest: Wordpress with the Toocheke comics theme 👏🏻 You can set it up for page view or scroll view. Really good little build
Sigh, I put my blog on my site but got drowned in spam. How to work around that
Anti-spam Bee is a good free plugin. :) Also turning off comments on page and on posts after a period of time works well to keep them away also.
Thanks!! Next week I could have the kind of down time to make it happen :)
Anyone else try deleting their reddit account only to have it not able to do it? I've tried three times over a week and a half and still get an error. It's almost as if they don't want you to.
Sounds like a support email to me. I've had so many problems "deleting" accounts on any platform after they make dumb changes that I spitefully have it out with support whenever I can.