
Watching Xbox world premiere and I'm gonna be honest, I am so sick of ultra realism in video games. I understand trying to flex what your studio can do and use the most of the platform - or trying to deliver a cinematic yet playable product - but all these realism games are so homogenized.
With exception to earlier games that were groundbreaking for their realism (Half-life, GTA, etc), almost all of the games I remember most or replay are usually stylized. Realism is NOT the only art style - why are indie games the only ones that seem to understand that?
I honestly would love to see them remaking Okami with modern Graphics. I can only image what a game made too look like a painting wood look like when it came out today.
This is always what people say when I say this (I agree). I'm just remembering all of the games I've played recently, loved, and remembers... and they're all stylized Limbo / Inside Spiritfarer Broken Age Psychonauts Give me those types of things PLEASE
Paper Mario is a recent game that also comes to mind.
Big fan of how “Celeste” and “Hollow Knight” look; fantastic for the vibes they’re chasing, and so much more interesting to me than “Big Sweaty Muscle Guy With Gun, Look at Those Pores 14.”
It makes me sad to see how much hate the new Dragon Age trailer is getting due to the art style. We haven't even seen gameplay footage yet! The characters and world are recognisable, that's all that matters to me.
I just watched the trailer. This is still heavily realism style. How is anyone taking issue with that? If anything it should be even MORE stylized in my opinion.
Mostly seem to just be complaints that it's a similar style to Overwatch or mobile game ads? I don't get it either.
That would be because indie games always had fewer resources to work with, including the time and research required to make sure everything not only looks, but also behaves realistically. The innovation in indie games mostly came from having to do more with less. That said, you make a good point!
Oh absolutely. This fact isn't lost on me. It just feels like AAA developers could make games that are much better (& more memorable) with less $ rather than dumping all of the time & effort into realism that breaks as soon as something clips into something else, but they just... Don't want to?
They want to make stuff that appeals to the largest demographic, and can be milked forever with lootboxes. Games with a quirky art style are risky business. They don't want to because they don't make games, they make live services with gameplay.
I realize I may be staying the obvious, but the fact of the matter is that it's up to those of us who realize these things to abstain from indulging in these live service games. (I only make an exception for EVE)
I think indie games understands it because they *have* to, heh, but you're absolutely right that it should happen at the AAA level too What did you think of the Dragon Age trailer, since they're going for a more stylized look this time? Looked awesome imo.
Haven't seen it yet. I'll take a peek though. I've never loved Dragon Age (high fantasy isn't really my genre to play) but you've got me curious for sure
Yeah I'm not really into DA either (I played a bit of DA:I but it wasn't my cup of tea) but the trailer at least is very good :) enough that I'd give the game a shot
I'd be more receptive to it if we hadn't spent the last 15 years flouting how deep our characters skin pores go
There was a stop-motion lady riding a catfish but OK yes, too much gritty realism
Do I really have to say "not all games" here because I'm pretty sure that was implied