A.Jay Wagner

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A.Jay Wagner


associate professor, Marquette University
interested in FOI/A and government transparency
My wife and I used to send each other calendar invites for shows we bought tickets to. This morning, I received invites for "Door Contractor" followed by "Mold Inspection" (which bookend the long-awaited "A/C Tuneup"). Life comes at you fast.
Your interpretation of this homograph tells me a lot about you (and, coincidentally, whether you live in Wisconsin).
The rare unmitigated federal government W
In a HUGE win for digital government in the USA, IRS says Direct File will be a permanent, free tax filing option! home.treasury.gov/news/press-r... The pilot had ~140,000 Americans who saved an estimated $5.6M in costs. Next steps: invest more to pre-populate returns, test, iterate, & scale.
U.S. Department of the Treasury, IRS Announce Direct File as Permanent Free Tax Filing Option, All 50 States and D.C. Invited to Join in Filing Season 2025home.treasury.gov New Free Tool Made Possible by Resources from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction ActWASHINGTON—Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that Direct File will be a permanent, free tax filing option and invited all 50 states and the District of Columbia to join in Filing Season 2025. This announcement follows a successful Pilot Program that saw 140,000 taxpayers claim more than $90 million in refunds and save an estimated $5.6 million in filing costs. Direct File was made possible by resources from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to invest in the IRS and deliver world-class service to American taxpayers that saves them time and money. The Treasury Department’s goal in the coming years is to expand the reach and tax scope of Direct File to provide an option for working-and middle-class taxpayers nationwide. “President Biden is committed to saving Americans time and money and ensuring families receive the tax benefits they’re owed. Providing a free tool to all Americans who want the option to file directly with the IRS is key to achieving those goals,” said U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen. “After a successful pilot, we are making Direct File permanent and inviting all 50 states to offer this free filing option to their residents. The Treasury Department and IRS look forward to working with states to expand Direct File for Americans across the country.”Direct File is central to the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to deliver modern, world-class customer service using Inflation Reduction Act resources. Direct File also advances a goal of the IRS’s Strategic Operation Plan (SOP) to ensure that taxpayers receive tax credits that they are eligible for, like the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit. The IRS will continue to improve the product over time and ensure that it remains free, secure, and easy to use.Background on the Direct File Pilot ProgramThe average American spends $270 and 13 hours filing their taxes. (Taxpayer Burden Survey) President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act required the IRS to study the potential for an IRS-run Direct e-File System that would allow taxpayers to file taxes for free, directly with the IRS. After reviewing the report, which showed strong taxpayer interest in a free IRS filing option, the Treasury Department initiated a pilot of IRS Direct File during the 2024 Filing Season.In Filing Season 2024, Direct File was available to taxpayers with simple tax situations in 12 states. The Pilot exceeded expectations with more than 140,000 Americans successfully filing in the five weeks the program was widely available following extensive product testing. These filers claimed more than $90 million in refunds and saved an estimated $5.6 million in tax preparation fees on their federal returns alone.Direct File users also reported a high degree of satisfaction and quick answers to their filing questions. In a GSA Touchpoints survey of more than 11,000 Direct File users, 90 percent of respondents ranked their experience with Direct File as “Excellent” or “Above Average.” A majority of survey respondents who filed taxes in the prior year reported having to pay to prepare their taxes last year. Among survey respondents, 47 percent of users paid to file their taxes last year and 16 percent did not file last year at all. In Treasury and IRS engagements with Direct File users, taxpayers relayed that Direct File was straightforward to use, and they valued features that allowed them to learn more about different tax situations, credits, and deductions. Taxpayers emphasized their appreciation for the fact that Direct File is always free and there are no hidden fees or attempts to upsell users as they moved through the filing process. Taxpayers also shared that filing directly with the IRS gave them confidence and that they were able to quickly fix mistakes and get their taxes filed accurately.   After engaging directly with users to hear about their experience, reviewing results from a GSA touchpoints survey, and analyzing additional data, IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel recommended to Secretary Yellen to make Direct File permanent. He cited overwhelming satisfaction from users, improved ease of tax filing, and lower costs for taxpayers among the reasons for his recommendation, which Secretary Yellen has accepted.###
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"Dear Editor, I have incorporated all suggestions from reviewer 2, and I hope you find the changes an improvement to the manuscript as a whole."
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Mary Oliver taking us all to task.
No truer testament to the power of public records laws than the bills currently circulating in New Jersey and Louisiana that seek to gut the laws in each state. If FOIA was ineffective and ultimately fruitless-which, as a requester, it can sometimes feel like-there'd be no need for such attacks.
One of the better writeups on the state of university governance (and a clear-eyed take on the role of faculty). By Columbia law prof. David Pozen, discussing the Columbia protest, it's great general overview of uni. operations. balkin.blogspot.com/2024/05/seei... h/t @jameeljaffer.bsky.social
Balkinization: Seeing the University More Clearlybalkin.blogspot.com A group blog on constitutional law, theory, and politics
Gearing up for a great FOIA discussion tomorrow with three really smart folks (and myself). It's not too late to register (and if you don't have the great fortune of living/being in Milwaukee, happy to send a Teams link).
2024 Nieman Lecturewww.eventbrite.com The Fight for FOIA: A Conversation About the State of Government Transparency
New FOIA research: Looking at how public-interest requesters (journalists, academics, nonprofits, etc.) experience a very different FOI / FOIA than for-profit requesters (commercial and lawyers). journals.sagepub.com/eprint/I7SKB...
Sage Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journalsjournals.sagepub.com Subscription and open access journals from Sage, the world's leading independent academic publisher.
I love that we've so fully PR'd communication that a university announcement of significant financial cuts comes in a report titled, "Securing Our Future." Securing whose future? How about a little candor when dicking around with peoples' livelihoods?
Great GAO report on FOIA backlogs published today. The volume and percentage of requests backlogged continues to rise. One interesting cause is the growing complexity of FOIA requests, and I think this too often goes unmentioned.
Freedom of Information Act: Additional Guidance and Reliable Data Can Help Address Agency Backlogswww.gao.gov The Freedom of Information Act requires federal agencies to provide public access to government information. Agencies generally must process FOIA...
Holding a cool #FOIA event at Marquette on April 2 (also available online). Two investigative journalists/FOIA coordinators and a FOIA scholar in conversation. We'll discuss where the laws succeed and fail from the perspectives of those that use and think about the laws everyday. Signup below.
2024 Nieman Lecturewww.eventbrite.com The Fight for FOIA: A Conversation About the State of Government Transparency
Very positive outcome. If there are entities that deserve less protection under FOIA, it's banks and other corporations. After 2019's Argus Leader decision, great to see foreseeable harm wielded in this way.
Great #FOIA decision out today from the DC Circuit affirming that the foreseeable harm standard has teeth when it comes to Exemption 8, building on the precedent set by @reporterscommittee.bsky.social. Congrats to @jasonleopold.bsky.social & his counsel! www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opi...
Nothing can prepare you for the metric ton of food a toddler refuses, forcing you to either compost or eat it. By weight, I'm presently one-quarter chicken nugget.
Learn something new every damned day. On a mac keyboard: Option + 6 = §
My wife ate the remainder of my sandwich. Remote work is simply not tenable.
Mike Gundy was the Oklahoma State QB in the year of Barry Sander's Heisman. I had no idea. Also, Barry Sanders ran for 2,628 yards and 37(!) TDs in 1988. Nobody's dogging Barry, but it seems like he gets lost the discussion of best RBs, when he was on a level unto himself.
Happy to publish this article exploring the strange relationships between law enforcement and data companies. Law enforcement often cede control of crime data to big corporations, like LexisNexis, while providing the press and public no or degraded data. journals.flvc.org/civic/articl...
View of Owning the Police: Crime Data, Copyright, and Public Information | The Journal of ...journals.flvc.org
Grandparents sending a truckload of Christmas gifts when you pleaded with them to keep it low key this year. (I realize we're fortunate to have this problem, but we're going to have to start selling the kids' beds to free up storage space.)
Excited to get this article with Dave Cuillier published. We asked 330 FOI requesters about their fee experiences. Among other findings, journalists and private individuals were more likely to call excessive fees a severe problem; commercial requesters did not www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti...
To fee or not to fee: Requester attitudes toward freedom of information chargeswww.sciencedirect.com This study seeks to establish a foundation for how FOI fees are received by public record requesters, and how fees influence behavior across demograph…
Bluesky has severe Guided by Voices deficiency. The official unofficial thread of good live GbV videos. God bless Bob. God bless Dayton. Beware of glad girls. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fm8...
Guided By Voices - Teenage FBIwww.youtube.com Guided By Voices - Teenage FBI
Not too late to apply for our endowed journalism position at Marquette. It's a great position in strong department/college Priority review to applications submitted by Monday, Oct. 16. I don't have much reach here, but if you know anybody, please pass along employment.marquette.edu/postings/20010
Lucius W. Nieman Chair of Journalismemployment.marquette.edu
I know the song marks the moment of their selling out, but this live version fucking goes I can't express how paradigm shattering MTV beaming this and Bulls on Parade into my 12-year-old pre-internet rural Ohio brain was. I thought Dad's Petty albums were subversive www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TWK...
Butthole Surfers 'Pepper' 1996 live in studiowww.youtube.com MTV 120 Minutes
introduce yourself with three/four books you love: The Colossus of Maroussi, Henry Miller All the King's Men, Robert Penn Warren The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin Stoner, John Williams
introduce yourself with three books you love: blink, malcolm gladwell the better angels of our nature, steven pinker sapians, yuval noah hariri
If you see an infant or toddler for the first time in six months, you are required to comment on how much bigger they are. I used to find this perplexing (and a little grating), but now I understand. It's as immutable as gravity. You have to verbalize the disbelief otherwise the kid stops growing.
Who thought 3-year-olds were a good idea?