
Last night more than 3,000 people were told to immediately leave their homes and start driving 400 km south to the next closest city. Me and my colleagues went to air with special radio programming giving updates every 15 minutes, as there is spotty cell service
idk you can talk about defunding public broadcasting because of wokeism or the private sector can replace it but I'm not sure what else is going to be able to do that Also there is a low-bandwidth version of the website for emergencies
Replacing our publicly owned broadcasts with the privately owned sector is like asking the corrupt Corporations to tell us what they think we need to know. It's the Americanization of information News media that serves "private" interests not all Canadians.
Damn. Such an early and dramatic start to the fire season 💔 Thank you for doing that important work. I am sure your voice was a comfort to folks fleeing their homes Public radio is so important And this is why it’s ridiculous for car makers to remove AM radio from cars