Alan Gardiner

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Alan Gardiner

Hertfordshire birder, Weather station owner, full time carer, retired chartered engineer
At least the cold northerly winds have changed to a much more acceptable westerly flow. Plenty of showers still, temperatures much more acceptable. Should be better next week in the south of England at least.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Gardiner
My son’s nine-piece band have their debut gig on Sunday and they’d love to play to a crowd. If you felt like giving some young musicians a leg-up, a repost would be hugely appreciated. Thanks in advance.
After the warmest May I've recorded in St Albans UK, June is currently running 3.7C below my average. High pressure persistent to the west means the air is coming from a long way from the north.
I saw my first Small Copper butterfly in my garden today, the first for some years. Later a Painted Lady butterfly appeared ( highly migratory) and a newly emerged Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly, a new species to the garden
End of feed.