
Got in my car and spotted a turtle sunning itself on the bank of the community lake. Good for you, turt. Also, good on me for having good eyes and seeing it from so far away lol Have a good rest, friend!
There's a group of hooligans that have taken over my neighborhood as of late
Sandhill cranes - they winter in the south, then they migrate up here to Alaska during the spring and summer. They're LARGE, too - right around 40 inches tall. I usually give them wide berth or only photograph from inside my vehicle because...well, that's a biiiiiiig stabby thing on their face...
our gang of ~30 has started to occupy the road & the driveways i forget how weird their calls are until i’m in the yard on the phone & someone from the lower 48 asks me what the hell that was β€œpterodactyl. it’s fine.”