
Masked for a family trip to Toronto last fall, and I've started taking in-person workshops again.
Ok I'm going to be corny and start a thread. Masking in public is hot!! Quote-post with your hottest masked photos, friends, I wanna see em 🖤😷
The cloth masks are Enro brand, with material rated as good as an N-95. My 13yo has been wearing them to school for two years, and I wear them in lower risk environments. Still keep my paper N-95s for doctors and crowds.
Oh, and just to clarify, we never stopped masking between 2020 and now, but we did recently start going out places in public where I'd actually have pictures of myself in a mask. 😂
Omg mask + corset (stays?) + rainbow glasses = YES
Yes, technically stays. 😁 The comfiest kind because Regency barely has any boning. Everything in that photo was thrown together in a week because I was on a wait-list for the workshop and didn't know if I was going!