Prof Aleksandra Cichocka

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Prof Aleksandra Cichocka

Political psychologist at the University of Kent.
Our new paper in Communications Psychology with Aife Hopkins-Doyle, Jocely Chalmers and Daniel Toribio-Florez examines #gender disparities in social and personality psychology awards from 1968 to 2021.
We find a link between identity rhetoric, online attention & electoral success of politicians (N = 758,222 posts from the US & UK) Left-wing & right-wing politicians both benefit from positive identity rhetoric, defensive identity rhetoric only helps right-wing politicians
Many recent political projects rely on a “our country first” rhetoric, but does it work? We used GPT to check how US and UK politicians talk about their nations on social media, and how this translates to likes/reposts, as well as election outcomes 🗳️
📚Preprint📚 /w Jan Nikadon, Chiara Zazzarino, Magda Formanowicz, Aleksandra Cislak,, Michal Kosinski, We analysed politicians' X posts to test the links between national identity rhetoric and political success! 🧵 1/7
📚Preprint📚 /w Jan Nikadon, Chiara Zazzarino, Magda Formanowicz, Aleksandra Cislak,, Michal Kosinski, We analysed politicians' X posts to test the links between national identity rhetoric and political success! 🧵 1/7
Zeitschrift für Psychologie Special Issue: "Are All Conspiracy Theories Created Equal? The Form, Functions, and Consequences of General Conspiracy Mindsets versus Specific Conspiracy Beliefs" with B.Gjoneksa
Always amazing to visit Stanford 🎓Thanks and, Michał Kosinski and Hakeem Jefferson for super inspiring discussions and feedback on our Leverhulme Trust project. Can’t wait to test all the new ideas ✨
Extensive evidence links collective narcissism (a belief that one's group is exceptional and deserves special treatment) to intergroup hostility, poor treatment of ingroup members and lower loyalty. New GPIR paper examined if people realise this
Missing a beam in thine own eye: Motivated perceptions of collective narcissism - Justyna Baba, This work examines lay beliefs about the societal implications of different forms of ingroup identity. While secure ingroup identity reflects a genuine attachme...
Our new Nature paper finds support for most of the COVID19 social and behav policy recommendations made in Thanks to for leading this beast of a review and to and for pulling me into this project!
Behavioral science policy recommendations early in the pandemic were *largely correct*. Our global collaboration of 80+ experts covers 747 studies (average sample size over 16,000!) & supports 16 of 19 claims. Many lessons for science & policy. Out today in Nature:
📣December issue of Nature Reviews Psychology is live! Cover: Understanding behaviours in context using mobile sensing Also in this issue: 👉integrating research on autism & psychosis 👉national narcissism 👉general vs. domain-specific metacognition 📚Read more:
If you have found value in the large-scale studies we carried out through global collaborations in recent years, we will soon share something on a whole new level. A true testament of dedication to scientific rigor from everyone involved - authors, editor, peer reviewers - for the good of society.
A beautiful day to vote in Polish parliamentary elections ☀️I’m not a patient person but nothing makes me happier than seeking long queues to the voting booths 🗳️
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