Alex Carbo

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Alex Carbo

Father of 2, fiancé of THE one. Firm believer that coffee tastes better in the woods.
Sometimes I write, but I never get it right.
Go Gators! 🐊⚡
I found the true nectar of the Gods, and It's called Bicerin, in Torino
Blood red clay encrusts the earth and is tracked onto porch boards and into near empty shops and is tracked along creek beds and into the darkest coves of every creature— man and beast alike.
"Overdoses were good for business. That was all Clovis had to hear. There were junkies, there were people, and there were Begleys. The last were worth the most, and the first weren’t worth anything at all."
"Will guessed she was so afraid of being alone in this World that she had considered the dead a welcome company"
"The morning we buried you, a road flagger danced in the street." In the: "First line that hits harder than a drunken stepfather."
Evening spa with 2 lil Buckaroos!
I am way too late to the Tana French party.
Smash burgers game remains on point tonight!⚡⚡
Let's do Swedish crime fiction
Who kept this to him/herself?? Micro dose of @aceatkins before his upcoming novel DON'T LET THE DEVIL RIDE. I missed this southern voice ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Both contemplative meditations on the courage it takes to choose one's path. Both stories resonate with modern sensibilities while honoring the spirit of the old West. I want more of those.
“Fishes” mirrors a chef’s daily grind: chaos, family drama, and the weight of tradition. Its follow up, "Forks” reflects the relief and joy when service ends smoothly, capturing the essence of a chef’s life. This show is perfect.
“What I want,” Evelyn says, “is to commit a crime. And I want to get away with it.”
The perfect date night does exist, and it was with my beautiful, amazing, fiancé to this dreamy place, last night!
"As far as he was concerned, decafs the equivalent of Elvis impersonators and Christian rock bands. All of them in one way or another missed the point."
"You pick up a gun, Jimmy thinks, and it has a way of getting used."
"Stacia talked a lot, all the time. It was mostly gossip about peers which, according to Gus, was a replacement for actual animal instinct. He said it filled a void left due to a decent economy, unlimited groceries, and houses with cold, cold AC and hot, hot heat."
"What is the deal with women, somebody tell me. A day can be going to hell in a hornet’s nest, you’re fixing to lose your breakfast, but she’s still going to get her homework done."
Playing chess with my 5 yo is one of the purest pleasure
My town's microbrewery makes the world's finest Vienna Lager. I'm telling you, folks. No other part of the world brews better beer than here in Quebec!
"In Lee County they say you have to look hard for a face you’ve not seen before, which surely was true for Mom, who’d directed anybody that could walk to where the Solo cups are kept on Aisle 19."
Here's an exemple with BEARTOWN
Up next, which one first?
"Always sipping on that Amstel Light and grinning. Until one night they pulled out a bottle of J&B. His hands got bigger then. And stronger. And it wasn’t like he wanted her, but instead wanted to have her. Like he wanted to smash her."
Just got to watch the pilot of GODLESS, and I have to say I don't know what took me so long. It doesn't seem to be the feminist western I thought it would be, but it remains a remarkable piece of television thus far.
“She’s not a murderer, though.” “Yes. She is. She’s in prison, and in America that means she is what the system says she is. Because that’s how it works. No judge cares. No lawyers care. No sobbing mom sitting on a couch watching midday talk shows will care. No reporters care either.
Present from myself to myself, delivered right on time for my 41th birthday! Thanks,
"The Devil isn't in the details. Evil thrives in blind spots" - Margot Douaihy, SCORCHED GRACE Another contender for the best opening lines of 2023!
"Clayton was only four hundred miles from home, but he felt like he was in another country— a country made of neon lights, concrete, and bad decisions." Brian Panowich, NOTHING BUT THE BONES