
Excited to announce our endorsements for Alexandria! We know these 6 candidates as housing champions, whether through their work on Council or as advocates. If you care about our housing crisis, and all it’s implications for affordability, climate, and health - these are the candidates for you!
To win the endorsements candidates completed a questionnaire about their housing policy priorities. Our Alx members reviewed their answers and a summary of their records and ranked candidates Candidates needed 60% support from members - Alyia and 5 council candidates met (and exceeded) this bar
The vote to support was not close. Our members know she’s the best candidate on housing, have seen her record on the dais, and have appreciated her work behind the scenes and in the community to address our housing crisis. Alyia is the clear choice on housing, full stop.
We’re proud to endorse for Council. She’s been a constant leader in addressing our housing crisis, as well as the transportation issues that are inseparable from building abundant and affordable homes
We’re excited to endorse, whose leadership on Council has always ensured that the housing crisis stays top of mind for his colleagues
Avatar also handily won our members endorsement as a new candidate His record advocating for housing, speaking at Council, writing *everywhere*, and helping other advocates learn the ropes to effectively push for abundant housing would make him a welcome addition to Council
We’re also excited to endorse Caneks Aguirre’s reelection. Canek has a strong appreciation for an “all of the above” approach to housing, with particular attention to the most vulnerable Alexandria’s earning below 50% AMI. He’s a reliable leader on housing, and easily deserves another term
Last but certainly not least, our members are thrilled to endorse Kevin Harris Kevin has a long history of advocacy in affordable housing and tenant representation, a clear understanding of the urgency of our housing crisis & the role of supply in alleviating it. He’d be a welcome voice on Council
Bruh did you just add an s to Canek’s name? I thought we talked about this last week. 😆 😆 😆
So is there a best option for the 6th Council spot? Seems odd to have only 5?
Personally I thought there were 7 good Council candidates on housing, though these were my top 5 But nobody else got the 60% member support to win endorsement. So I’d say people can get creative with that last spot, vote based on other issues, etc I’ll personally be voting for 6
Are you willing to share your other two?
I ranked both Abdel Elnoubi and Jacinta Greene in the endorsement vote. I’d say there’s a clear tier drop from our 5 endorsed candidates to them, just in terms of demonstrated housing work & understanding, but they seemed pretty good with only small red/orange flags