
My neighbors and I would attend meetings and updates for the trail and alternates. No one ever seemed to listen. Perhaps we needed to be louder or more of us or richer. And the trail was closed for 2 years before the flood to install a new bridge. So it will be 10 years!!!!
Yeah, staff could pretty easily remove one of the street parking lanes for a interim cycletrack, would be about 50 spaces. A drop in the bucket though because the adjacent apartments have large parking lots
Even the sidewalks on sanger are a mess. Narrow, unbuffered from traffic, & often overgrown The people who live there deserve safe infrastructure period. The fact that they didn't get any improvement, even after HRT going out shouldve made that a area a priority, is pretty bad
Absolutely! In the past, I found staff extremely reluctant to remove parking for bike lanes. Met with former T&ES director on Commonwealth and he refused to remove half of the spaces despite a study and support from a church. A few years later, DASH removed a bunch of spaces for ADA compliance