Alex Hinton

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Alex Hinton

Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers & UNESCO Chair in Genocide Prevention / mass violence, society and law, perpetrators, extremism, transitional justice
Twitter: @AlexLHinton
Looking forward to presenting at this week’s remarkable UBC gathering of scholars focused on #Today'sTotalitarianisms. Thanks to Greg Feldman, Helena Zeweri, Hugh Gusterson, and for organizing.
Honored to receive a Lifetime Achievement #Award for my work on #genocide studies from the International Network of Genocide Scholars! Thanks to Elisabeth Hope Murray and the rest of the INOGS selection committee.
Honored to present on #Cambodia’s 40+ year post-#genocide journey of “working through the past” at a conference held on the former grounds of the #KRTribunal in Cambodia — on Cambodia’s National Day of Remembrance.
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Honored to present today on #itcanhappenheree and #polarization in the US as the #2024Election approaches as part of the remarkable #genocideawareness symposium Sabah Carrim has organized at #TexasState. Many great speakers and both in-person and Zoom.
Looking forward to discussing #replacement at this QCC webinar today. Thanks to Heather Huggins and Laura Cohen for organizing.
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Meanwhile over on Reddit, we're getting started on an AMA with I'm an anthropologist who studies the origins extremism, political violence and genocide as well as paths to conflict resolution. I did fieldwork in Cambodia before turning to the US. AMA! #PoliSky
Reddit - Dive into /r/Politics is for news and discussion about U.S. politics.
Look forward to Saturday's discussion of #ItCanHappenHere amid the looming Biden-#Trump battle and rising polarization in the U.S. Thanks to Peter Balakian Writers For Democratic Action Books & Books for hosting NYU Press / registration link below
WRITERS FOR DEMOCRATIC ACTION presents Alex Hinton and Peter Locally-owned, independent neighborhood bookstore
Honored to learn that #Perpetratrators won a 2023 #choiceawards for Outstanding Academic Title from the ALA! Thanks to my co-author Tony Robben and
Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity's Dark Side - Antonius C.G.M. Robben and Alexander Laban Perpetrators of mass violence are commonly regarded as evil. Their violent nature is believed to make them commit heinous crimes as members of state agencies, insurgencies, terrorist organizations, or racist and supremacist groups. Upon close examination, however, perpetrators are contradictory human beings who often lead unsettlingly ordinary and uneventful lives. Drawing on decades of on-the-ground research with perpetrators of genocide, mass violence, and enforced disappearances in Cambodia and Argentina, Antonius Robben and Alex Hinton explore how researchers go about not just interviewing and writing about perpetrators, but also processing their own emotions and considering how the personal and interpersonal impact of this sort of research informs the texts that emerge from them. Through interlinked ethnographic essays, methodological and theoretical reflections, and dialogues between the two authors, this thought-provoking book conveys practical wisdom for the benefit of other researchers who face ruthless perpetrators and experience turbulent emotions when listening to perpetrators and their victims. Perpetrators rarely regard themselves as such, and fieldwork with perpetrators makes for situations freighted with emotion. Research with perpetrators is a difficult but important part of understanding the causes of and creating solutions to mass violence, and Robben and Hinton use their expertise to provide insightful lessons on the epistemological, ethical, and emotional challenges of ethnographic fieldwork in the wake of atrocity.
**What's the pulse of the #MAGA movement?** I went to #CPAC last week to find out. My ConversationUS piece presents some initial reflections on the hard-core Trump base, including that, far from a threat to democracy, they view Trump as its salvation.
I went to CPAC as an anthropologist to understand Trump’s base − they believe, more than ever, he is a While Ronald Reagan is closely tied to this conservative conference’s origins, it has become a multiday event for die-hard Trump supporters.
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Check out my new chapter on affect and emotion in the upcoming "Oxford Handbook of Transitional Justice" edited by Jens Meierhenrich, and Lawrence Douglas.
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New polisky article alert 🚨 and I published "The Implications of Illicit Networks for Changes in Anti-Narcotics Policies." The article distinguishes internal from external illicit networks, and looks at impacts of these on 3 types of counter-crime policy. 📖:
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ON TODAY! IAGS webinar showcasing research related to the Genocide Convention on Tue 19 Dec (6 pm UTC). William Pruitt, Kerri Malloy, Narelle Fletcher, Mohammad Pizuar Hossain & Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen will discuss different perspective on the legacy of the #GenCon. Register now
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CFP Storytelling for Environmental Futures. Stavanger, Norway, 7-9 August 2024. Application deadline 15 January 2024. “Storytelling for Environmental Futures” wants to interrogate how storytelling about the future and in service of the future works.
CFP Storytelling for Environmental Futures – Nordic Environmental
**75 Years On – Is the Promise of “#NeverAgain!” a Failure? My Conversation piece marking the Dec 9th 75th Anniversary of the #UNGenocideConvention tells the story of the Convention’s origins and mixed legacy.”
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It can happen here is the title of the book by on genocide and the United States and what we discuss in todays podcast series 🎤🎧. It is on polarization, Trump and the need to listen to each other and find common ground. Check it out 👇👇👇
Is the U.S. again at risk? #Trump promises retribution, refers to opponents as vermin, and threatens a #DeepState purge. I discuss this in relation to #ItCanHappenHere on terrific podcast series
Thanks to JS/PCon at #ColgateU for inviting me to speak about the continuing threat of #ItCanHappenHere. Great student engagement and terrific faculty including Noah Shenker, Peter Balakian, @StProf, Daniella Doron, Xan Karn, and so many more!
Look forward to giving the opening keynote (“Perpetrators and the Public Sphere”) at Vincente Sanchez Biosca’s @UV_EG conference this Friday on “Mass Crimes through Space”
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Our research cluster ("The Politics of Inequality") at the University of Konstanz is offering fully funded Visiting Fellowships (2-6 months) for external researchers from the social sciences in the academic year 2024/2025. If you're interested, details here:
Amid many questions and deep concern in the classroom about mass violence in Israel and Gaza , I wrote this short explainer (not an op-ed) about the term #genocide. @ConverstionUS
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Five years ago today, Jews were murdered at a Pittsburgh synagogue just a few days after an avid Trump supporter was caught sending pipe bombs to the array of political figures who topped Trump’s oft repeated list of “enemies of the people.”
Thanks to the great group at the UC Merced Center for Humanities for inviting me to give their Distinguished Lecture yesterday. I discussed my book "It Can Happen Here" in the context of the increasing #polarization and extremism in the US and violence in the world.
"a must-read book" Thanks to Choice Reviews for "highly recommending" our book, #Perpetrators.
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New arrival. By Antonius Robben and
Looking forward to speaking about #Perpetrators at Prof. #Jie-Hyun Lim’s Critical Global Studies Institute in Seoul, Korea on Wednesday. He and his colleagues are doing remarkable work and I look forward to contributing to the conversation.
My essay on interviewing a Khmer Rouge torturer in Cambodia was published in #ontheSeawall. This creative non-fiction piece got started with David Lazar at Chautauqua and begins … “I remember sweating, shirt stuck to my skin, in a desolate jungle in Cambodia ….
“Pol Pot’s Secret Prison” – On the