
I didn’t watch the debate, and I honestly have no sense of loyalty to Biden. I’m sure the Dems would slot in a younger, otherwise identical candidate. I do, however, have some SERIOUS FUCKING IRE for the fact that we haven’t been seeing these pieces about Trump, who tried to overthrow an election.
Good start
This is one place where I’m actually ok with the imbalance. A million NYT op-Ed’s won’t change Trump’s behavior. Worse, they’d feed the grievance machine he’s so effectively using.
This is such a weird argument. The fuel for the grievance machine is the existence of a whole lot of folks who aren't "conservatives." There are 300 million people in the country who are neither Trump or Biden. A portion of them will select the next president. They can be communicated with.
I agree with you 100% and also believe zero of the people who have not made up their minds in this election will use the NYT Opinion section to do so. The importance of the NYT Op-Eds here is to convince Biden to step aside.
I don’t believe that. This is about playing to their own vanity, and keeping their skewed sense of being the impartial observers, as well as positioning themselves in way they believe gives the NYT access in a Trump admin.