
Oh, and one more thing, though not putting it in this thread because it's a somewhat different issue. But it honestly seems transphobia just doesn't really work as an electoral mobilising or demobilising "culture war" the way Brexit and immigration somewhat do. People just don't seem to care.
OK here goes. Obviously, the big story is the Labour landslide, but a win of that size was only really possible due to the fragmentation of the right. At the same time, while on these results they're unlikely to care much, Labour underestimated the susceptibility of the left to fragment too. 1/
Now, indifference to trans people is of course not at all the same as support, and I suspect there's a decent chance media pressure will cause Labour and the Tories to continue to have a disproportionate obsession with it anyway. But there's little sign here that it's a vote-winner.
Some of this may well be due to the continued media/political pretence that the popular base of anti-trans attitudes are a niche of jilty lefty feminist women, rather than older mostly male social reactionaries, so the latter, not being directly spoken to when the issue was invoked, ignored it.