
It's not fair, but there's a kernel of truth to the fact that Trump's fascism isn't considered news because it's not new. That's one of the most basic aspects to newsworthiness taught in Journalism 101. Something by definition needs to be new to be considered news. That's why it's called that.
I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to go back over what’s going on here when tempers have cooled.
Today is July 6. The debate was June 27. What's the shelf life on this theory? I realize Biden, like all of us, gets older each day. Trump gets older and espouses more vile ideas each day. Both are running for the presidency. Both aren't news?
My heartfelt message to political journalists: Get your head out of you own ass while you still can.
Nope. Because Democrats are supposed to be better all the time & the GQP is supposed to be evil scum. So when the scum is being scummy, its not important. When the Democrats fly to close to the sun & their wings melt it needs a 12,000 word essay about why they need a new flapper.
Has everyone forgotten that President Biden has a stutter and it can be difficult for him to speak???
Yea, and if you watch the debate aan extra 30 seconds would have saved most of the answers. He had the right thoughts, he just took too long to get them out.