
My darlings, the everything is a lot. Be kind. That means to yourself too. Radically fucking kind. Anger may get shit done, but you cannot mend a break with a hammer. You can’t stitch a heart with despair. You deserve space to breathe. And learn. And grow. And be. You are here. Stay.
Now that the sun’s going down I’m doing a bit more craft room. Got some new bulb shades for the fan light because somehow we lost one. Got some more boxes for my newer patterns, going to sort those and put them away. Probably finish priming my Ikea organizers. In such ways do we restore balance.
I love this plan! I find things like that soothing.
Me too! Putting things in order even if the rest of the world is *jazz hands* Especially putting things in order so I can make pretty things.
God, yes! And I’m excited to see what you make