Alex Luck

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Alex Luck

Chinese Military. Bundeswehr/NATO. MA Pol Sci/History. Cats, dogs, motorcycles. Überbringer schlechter Nachrichten. Contributor @NavalNews. Articles @FPRI 🇦🇺 🇩🇪
What's in a name (change)? My overview of the "Upgraded Mogami", formerly known as "New FFM", shown at Perth's #IODS24, positive remarks by RAN's Navy Chief, prospect of NSM integration and the implications for Tier 2. Via
"Upgraded Mogami" is the new "New FFM", Looking At Japanese builder MHI redesignates the Mogami FFG successor as "Upgraded Mogami", seemingly positioning the design for Australian contract.
On occasion of Germany approving related R&D funding I wrote down a bit of an overview on 3SM aka "Tyrfing". An ambitious effort to create a new very long range supersonic antiship- and land attack-missile. Via
New 3SM 'Tyrfing' Missile Receives German Development Germany approves funding for the supersonic antiship and strike missile (3SM) 'Tyrfing' to be developed in cooperation with Norway.
Some commentary of mine in this TWZ report on the PLAN Type 094 SSBN observed by fishermen performing a surfaced transit of the Taiwan Strait. Thanks Thomas Newdick for reaching out. All in all this IMO isn't an event to get anxious about.
Chinese Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Surfaces In Taiwan Taiwan said it was monitoring the submarine that was spotted by fishermen when it came to the surface and began moving under escort in the Taiwan Strait around dawn today.
ICYMI: Germany is considering a purchase of eight to ten additional F-35 to equip the TaktLwG 33 in Buechel (nuclear sharing unit). Would bring total fleet to 43-45 AC, with eight remaining in US for training. Cost estimated at 1 bln Euros.
Bundeswehr: Bundesregierung prüft Kauf von acht weiteren F-35 Die Bundesregierung diskutiert, ob sie zusätzliche Kampfjets vom Typ F-35 aus den USA bestellen sollte. Damit könnte Deutschland die nukleare Teilhabe zuverlässiger erfüllen.
Official statement by Chancellor Scholz at ILA, via "the other site" on GER intending to buy another 20 Eurofighter for Luftwaffe. Bringing the total fleet to around 168 aircraft. Intention is to pass funding before end of term for current parliament, this gives the effort a year and some change.
In developments that will surprise relatively few, the boutique acquisition of five PULS MLRS by Bundeswehr from Israel is hitting difficult waters. Delayed by at least six more months. Also US permission to integrate GLMRS so far not forthcoming.
PULS – Raketenartilleriebeschaffung für die Bundeswehr verzögert sich Die Beschaffung der fünf PULS-Mehrfachraketenwerfer (Purpose Universal Launching System), welche der Bundeswehr als Ersatz für die fünf an die Ukraine abgegebenen Raketenartilleriesysteme vom Typ MARS...
The German Navy this week wrapped one deployment abroad, with Hessen returning from the Red Sea, while also kicking off a new one, with one F125 frigate and an AOR commencing a round the world sail dubbed "Indo-Pacific Deployment 2024". My story via
German Navy Wraps Red Sea Mission, Heads for German Navy concludes Red Sea-deployment. Meanwhile two German ships will be heading for the Indo-Pacific region.
The third Chinese aircraft carrier, and first supercarrier equipped with catapults, Fujian, is leaving Shanghai for her first sea trial. Read about the event and the story for the carrier so far, via
Aircraft Carrier Fujian Starts First Sea Chinese aircraft carrier Fujian starts first sea trial. Ship has left Shanghai coinciding with anniversary of the Chinese Navy.
Report by TWZ's Thomas Newdick on Anduril's "Ghost Shark XL-AUV" prototype reveal. With some expanded thoughts on the design shown and capabilities aimed for by yours truly.
Australia’s Ghost Shark Uncrewed Submarine Breaks The Ghost Shark is Australia’s ambitious extra-large autonomous undersea vehicle, but details about its future missions remain scarce.
My thoughts on the RAN Tier 2-combatant as announced back in February, and concerns about the few things we know (and several others we don't), via
The Australian Surface Fleet Naval News analysis of the Australian surface fleet dilemma and the effort to modernise the RAN with the Tier-2 combatant.
If you're kinda bored this Easter weekend (or dont celebrate it anyway), here's my recap of events in the last few months for Chinese carrier aviation, for The next big step will be the first sea trial for Fujian, hopefully soon.
Chinese Carrier Aviation In 2024 - The Year So Busy months for the development of Chinese carrier aviation include progress on all relevant programs. Includes AEWC- and fighter-efforts.
New report up on interception of a Houthi USV by German Navy in the Red Sea, for The incident is the second intercept of a drone by a helicopter of forces assigned to EUNAVFOR Aspides, and the first such destruction of a USV.
German Navy Helicopter Destroys Houthi A German Navy Helicopter Destroys Houthi Drone In Red Sea. Helicopter operated from frigate Hessen in support of EUNAVFOR Aspides.
Here's a bit of a run-down on the wider situation as I see it relating to Bundeswehr ammunition woes, how they remain an underappreciated & obviously unaddressed problem. Despite repeated media coverage, I should note, & the supposed "Zeitenwende". Cross-posted from "the other" site.
Took some time to write for about the recent incidents involving "Hessen" in the Red Sea, the concerns about German stockpiles of naval SAM and related operational and readiness implications.
Missile Woes For German The German Navy faces missile woes impacting the performance and supply for their air defence frigates used in the Red Sea.
Took some time to write for about the recent incidents involving "Hessen" in the Red Sea, the concerns about German stockpiles of naval SAM and related operational and readiness implications.
Missile Woes For German The German Navy faces missile woes impacting the performance and supply for their air defence frigates used in the Red Sea.
I wrote a thing on German Navy frigate "Hessen" arriving in the Red Sea for EUNAVFOR Aspides for . Also on the recent media reporting regarding the uncertainty over SM-2 supplies for the German F124 frigates. All mistakes mine as always.
German Navy Frigate Hessen Joins EUNAVFOR German Navy frigate Hessen has arrived in the Red Sea and joins EUNAVFOR Aspides protecting shipping against Houthi missile attacks.
My article for on German F124 frigate Hessen leaving for the Red Sea. Once again the relatively small German Navy is under the pump, and adequate capabilities to meet current threats are very thin on the ground.
German Air Warfare Frigate Sets Sail For Red German Air Warfare frigate Hessen has departed for the Red Sea to support EU naval mission ASPIDES, protecting shipping against Houthis.
The Black One approves the opening of the blue place. Hail the void.
A good side by side comparison illustrating the changes between the original Zubr LCAC PLAN received from Ukraine and the two most recently built hulls revealed last year. Note CIWS mounts and remodelled bridge. Via 水雷屋/Wb.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Luck
"Contemplating the potential acquisition of the 3,500-ton LCS by Greece, a naval design universally labeled as “a beautiful disaster”, “a total mess”, “little crappy ship”, “a scandal” and comparable aliases (...) raises numerous questions..."
Greece closer than ever to procure LCS from the U.S. - Naval Greece is closer than ever to procure Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) following a letter from US Secretary of State allocating four
ICYMI: Slovenia is buying Iris-T SLM under the scope of ESSI. German military procurement office BAAINBw acts as authorised purchase authority making use of a framework agreed to under ESSI, which should result in speedy production and delivery.
ESSI-Mitglied Slowenien wird IRIS-T Das BAAINBw hat im Namen und bevollmächtigt von der Republik Slowenien mit Diehl Defence am 25. Januar die zeitnahe Lieferung einer Feuereinheit des Luftverteidigungssystems IRIS-T SLM vereinbart.
Apologies for inactivity. Will try to pick up on relevant content from next week. Here's my thoughts from a few days ago on the progress with 054B for PLAN.
The first Type 054B next generation frigate for the Chinese Navy has started trials in Shanghai. Second hull to follow in near future 🇨🇳 Read the in-depth analysis of the new ship by 🔗👇
Chinese Navy Next Generation Frigate Starts Builder Trials - Naval The first Type 054B next generation frigate for the Chinese Navy has started trials in Shanghai. Second hull to follow in near future.