
I'm just gonna say this to anyone reading this. If I see or find out you support this. This isn't a matter of political beliefs. This is just a fact you want to see harm to people I fervently care about and we can't be friends.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Yeah, it used to be "lol, let's vote for him because funny meme man." Now anyone who votes for him unironically seriously wants to harm people in general just for "the lulz". "I don't care if my freedom gets taken away. I just wanna see you cry." 😟
I can't believe he is not in jail, that man has caused and will cause so much suffering for everyone on this planet.
Project 2025 is basically about turning the USA into an American version of Nazism... it sets the USA back 100 years into the grim past destroying all progress our nation made as a society and resetting it to back when Christian Nationalist and Corporate Oligarch made laws was all there was.
hence why i cant be friends with people who support this
I see plenty in this list worth opposing him. This country is going to be worst than fictional takes depict if he gets in.
Gay conservative furries go Pikachu face
How long do those exist? Fraction of a second before the matter-antimatter reaction kicks in?
There is no way that is not satire... End the FDA? Why... Who does that help? Christian shit in public school? Separation of church and state... Hello? Ban gender studies? Sorry everyone, your body is changing and we can't tell you why! Wtf did I just read
Half those things, listed above that is, are against the constitution... Kind of hard to do most of those things, legally anyway.
and the supreme court just listed something unconstitutional a week ago (barely) and a lot of things are done illegally by these people anyway >.> and are clearly getting away with it.
See I was just thinking about that. What if SCOUTS decided instead of upholding the constitution they would go by their own beliefs who the fuck do you go to? That is a scary thought.
Because Congress keeps SCOUTS in check by passing laws in the constitution but if they say fuck that what can we do?