Amanda M. Blake πŸͺš

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Amanda M. Blake πŸͺš

Horror and fantasy author, mid-age goth, horror movie aficionado (she/her, they/them), QUESTION NOT MY SALT TBA 2024
i will #rise from the pandemonium you cast me into as though the chaos of angels singing is not cacophony our wings the mechanism of angelic demise if we cannot bear flight or halo in our own name then we will rise on cloven hooves #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
I didn't realize the preorder was already available for the fourth book in the gothic urban fantasy series! This one is my version of the billionaire romance and forced marriage tropes: a cold avarice demon with a young, evangelical virgin "sacrifice."
Avarice and Creed - Aurelia T. <p><em>She’s a saint. He is sin.</em><o:p></o:p></p> <p>Ana Molina renounced her Luciferian family and their prosperity cult most of her life,
i don't know what i did to become arch-#nemesis to receive #revenge cold as ice packs poison in my drink powder in my flour gas in my garage what circumstance of birth or rainbow prism in my window merits untimely death if i go i want to know why i go #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
LONGLEGS feels like the continuation of a thought, and it'll be interesting to see if Perkins eventually brings it to a conclusion. He's particularly good at setting up unsettling visuals; that plus sound design made my mind feel dirty. Vibes are Silence of the Lambs x Solace.
Blood tests show improvement from December, and I imagine it's because I've finally been able to exercise over the last two months. Not as much as I'd like, but enough to make a difference. Exercise treats chronic inflammation, which helps across the board.
a #mother watches her son stumbling to #golgotha mocked and scorned with crown of thorns a mother reaches for her son staggering to afternoon's execution someone takes up his scaffold a mother wails on the rough road to her first son's end #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
it doesn't matter how our bones break and blood blooms beneath our exteriors it doesn't matter that our wings have been snapped from our shoulders and our halos tarnished with rust like mold a #devil's only response to the fall is to rise again #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
a #goddess emergent from concrete and glass with cut plastic in her hair adorning her shoulders strewn with gravel such that #angels weep from smokestacks and exhaust #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
the universe is a night- #bloom -ing flower #creation its opening into light in darkness stardust the persistent scent of jasmine expanding in hedonistic spread but preparing eventually to close #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
from angels and demons to aliens: this shift of #celestial bodies spiritual to extraterrestrial proves only an elephant's foot or tail or tusk too large outside our understanding of reality to comprehend not to mention our inadequacy to describe it #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
Network show I'm really enjoying is ELSBETH. The set design, wardrobe, and composition is breathtakingly bubbly and colorful and sometimes so well composed that they put me at total peace...right before Carrie Preston and guest stars make me crack up.
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
My flash fiction sea story "Snot" is one of this month's finalists for Crystal Lake Shallow Waters. Join us this month for the theme Horror in Paradise:
Your 'Paradise' Finalists are... | Crystal Lake Get more from Crystal Lake Entertainment on Patreon
de profundis clamavi ad te domina spray of shark-bite seafoam split legs crack open the shell blood conjurer and a pearl pulchritudo et sapiential colors change underwater all things fade gray to blue emerge explode to sun color with the tide #renascentem #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
I'm supposed to be editing novella MAY COOLER HEADS PREVAIL, but it's too relevant to current events, and I just can't.
One of the people I play pickleball with is deaf, and that's the kick in the pants I need to start learning more. It's reminding me a lot of learning shorthand, and I like it.
the final #farewell an exhausted gasp of a brown curled leaf shriveling falling on the pavement and crumbling to dust #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
It's too hot to go out and everything is expensive, so I made a breakfast quesadilla at home, and it was sooo good.
unbuckle your seatbelts unstrap your helmets remove your masks put the pedal to the floor when you reach the inevitable stop momentum means you'll fly through the windshield and won't have to see the results of your own homemade #impending doom #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
There's a muscle in my side that has been fluttering like crazy since yesterday. It's like I trapped a bird in there.
Now that I've finished MASQUE (in a month!), on the docket for July: Edit MAY COOLER HEADS PREVAIL and figure out if novella or novelette, edit and proof CROOKED HOUSE (Thorns 5), edit and submit BOOK & CANDLE (Meridian 5) under other name.
MASQUE: Finished my alt-historical gothic plague novel at 110,929 words! (will want to cut it down to under 100K, but that shouldn't be an issue) My brain is officially exhausted, so I'm going to give it a day or two to rest before getting into editing other works.
you cannot break the #bond between girl and #demon no one else will ever know how her insides taste what flutters in her abdomen how far fingers tickle how deep claws pierce how dark and stinking the shadow embraced by her tamed wild body #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
The world happening around me: *burning, literally and figuratively* Me: At the climax of the book and the end is in sight, thank goodness, even though I won't be able to edit before end of month, my brain is so tired and needs a nap.
#smoke -blackened lungs on a hazy day scorch marks at the back of my throat like bruises cracked-earth parched scales of skin peels petals from raw scarified with the harbinger of #doom branded upon my forehead #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
smoke stretches a #shadow pall to #hover over the land and it cools the vicious heat for a while until what casts it climbs crackling over the crest of the hill #QuillandCrow #crowcalls
love so real it spills into the #realm of #misery. there's reason they call it heartache, why lovers follow their dead: because heartstrings tangle like cat claws in yarn and snag to the scythe the reaper drags behind. #quillandcrow #crowcalls