
just a moment to reflect that "anchor baby" is such a poisonously racist/white nationalist term the neo-fascist right has introduced into their lexicon, its proliferation threatens the very basis of *birthright citizenship*. the kind of face-eating leopard mischief sure to backfire on its proponents
like, can you even imagine if a bona fide US birth certificate was no longer adequate to prove you're "a REAL American"? now you also need provenance of Mayflower lineage, plus maybe a genetics test, to back it up? the ""legitimate"" franchise demo instantly shrunk to an aristocratic speck? 😳
the percentage of even white-presenting MAGAts who could clear such a bar for citizenship has gotta be in the low single digits. it's appallingly *un-American* stuff, i mean it sincerely!
As someone who's family line actually was traced back to the for reals Mayflower, I'll tell anyone listening that the "legitimate" argument is bullshit, was always bullshit, will always be bullshit, and everyone trying to propagate it is a fukken Nazi. If you pay taxes, you're citizen enough for me.