
The Neil Gaiman thing is reminding me of the time loads of people I knew went from "Always believe the victims" to "Oh we should wait and see." because it was Joss Whedon being accused and that would mean having to rethink their relationship with Buffy.
remember to always believe the victims unless the accused wrote a book you like, then the victims are all automatically lying harpies 😒
I'm trying to avoid generational stereotypes but it does feel like us Millennials in particular seem quite bad at practising what we preach in terms of telling others the content they enjoyed is problematic but not reflecting on our own when things like this happen.
I think the weirdest reaction I've seen is people dismissing it because it was broken by a podcast. Not as in a podcast of any particular type or leanings, apparently using the medium at all for investigative journalism is tacky.
it was a TERF podcast, however Gaiman being a shit and the story being broken by shit people are two facts that can coexist (especially as we know TERFs will weaponise womens’ pain in any way to attack trans people and allies)