
The news from the U.K. elections is the balm my black, bitter soul needed after the fuckery of US politics over the last week. It's not the cure to the ailments of the last 14yrs, but it's a good first step. Seeing so many villains of the last decade exit stage left brings me peace. Much love U.K.!
Mogg getting the boot was delightful. Farage getting a seat is like an ominous post-credits teaser, though.
I've read some folks pointing out that Farage might not enjoy the HoC bookkeeping requirements and might find himself not enjoying his time as an MP half as much as he imagines he will. I have my fingers crossed on both hands.
I fear he will simply not care - he's got the symbolic win and the platform he's always wanted, and his constituents can go fuck themselves for all he cares - just like when he was an MEP.
Couldnt agree with this more. Its not the job but the foot in the door of the media he craves so much and given the unjustified excesses of airtime hes recently had, theres going to be incessant faux outrage if he isnt on every political show, every week.