
In revisiting the show for [PLUG] my book, Back to the Island, out Sept. 20 (order now) [/PLUG], I genuinely became SO SAD for what we've lost. Yes, that show had some STINKER episodes, but the space it had to tell its story! The beautiful production! The ambition!!!
You couldn’t produce Lost on streaming. It needed all that time and space to play and grow and be weird. Three eight episode seasons would not have covered it.
"Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" would only exist in a broadcast network model. So yes.
For every "Tricia Tanaka is Dead," there was a "Walkabout," "The Constant," or "Through the Looking Glass." Trade-offs, I guess.
"Tricia" is one of my favorite episodes of the series. I was agreeing with Emily's point about how valuable those extra episodes were.
My bad. I got confused and thought you were referencing "Stranger in a Strange Land," the episode before "Tricia....," which is objectively not good. Now it all makes sense.