dumb genius/smart idiot

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dumb genius/smart idiot


Bring spirit, bring song
Bring warmth and wine to my table

Signal: @mcguiregis.28
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@andrews_rugby_jerseys
Well let me know, I got gas money
So where we headed and when are you picking me up?
So bummed I didn't end up making this trip
They have motorways, which are divided and limted access. But I think they top out a 2 lanes each way. Felt more like US hwys to me than Interstates.
I still am a proud owner of the Enrico Pallazo seal of approval
My family and I drove from Enniskillen to Cork when they came to visit. Told my roommates and they were floored. Irish people would never imagine driving the length of the island I told them I could drive 2 hours longer than that and not leave my midsized state and they just could not comprehend
If I had my way, I'd start packing for a month abroad about 48 hours before we left. My wife starts mentally packing the second we buy tickets and physically packing a week out
I have the new IAC valve gasket for my truck so I can clean that sucker and reinstall it tomorrow.
She ended up having to drive 45 minutes into the office so IT could delete the offending file with their admin credentials But this was nice to hear
Got my wife's work laptop to boot in Safe Mode with Networking, but it still won't connect to a network, even hardwired... So IT can't remote in for anything and I highly doubt they'll give her an Admin password over the phone to just use.
When I was getting put under to get my wisdom teeth out, I was evidently talking to the nurse A LOT about making sure my 02 sats were OK. Because I guess I had decided that just in case she didn't already fucking know, I should inform her that if they drop that's bad.
The other story is I had my tonsils out in December. My wife was taking me to the pharmacy post-op to get my pain Rx. It was slippery out and I was still groggy. So I tell my wife "Babe, it's slippery out, we gotta penguin walk"
Then lean in and whisper real conspiratorially "Do penguins make a noise? I want to make sure I'm being accurate", then shuffled my high-ass off across the parking lot making little quacking noises
How does one use this in an audio medium?
I just started researching Greece nomad visas like 2 weeks ago. Never been there, but seems like an easy(ish, as far as fucking immigration things go) one to get
What I'm hearing is "Nanni for UF President" campaign starts now
If I were a younger man, I could have pulled that off. Those days are long behind me
Yep, she can access C:\Windows\System32\drivers But trying to enter \Crowdstrike brings up the admin prompt
Yes, in the "fucking hell, this outage is a pain in the ass. I need a drink" way
Yeah, I am out of rum and thought "eh fuck it, I'll give it a try" Heed my cautionary tale, reader
I remember a softball game in Dublin where it was in the mid80s. No one understood why I wasn't *dying* until I told them "In high school baseball, we'd practice at 8AM and it'd already be this hot. Games at noon or 1PM would be 35C+" You'd have thought I told them I lived in the Sahara
Barrel-aged Malort and Dr Pepper is a no-go, Friends
Got my wife's work laptop to boot in Safe Mode with Networking, but it still won't connect to a network, even hardwired... So IT can't remote in for anything and I highly doubt they'll give her an Admin password over the phone to just use.
Well, we got IT to give us the bitlocker key, but then the folder where the driver is that needs removed is under admin priviledges only, so it didnt' even matter
"Oh, yeah, I'm available. Let's talk hourly rates..."