
I find that simply setting the twitter posts so that only people I follow can reply improves my experience by 1000% better. I strongly recommend. It is much less work than blocking. Try it a few times and you'll never go back.
Trolling + misinformation requires an audience: so when rather than responding, I simply block, they also perceive that as censorship. This latest accusation, for example, claims that, as a university professor, I am a public official and hence shouldn’t be allowed to block anyone on social media.
Yes I’ve been trying to remember to do that too! A lot of my trolling these days though comes from an instigator tagging me, and all their followers then piling on. Happens 1-2x/week quite regularly 😳
I’m guessing you’d only see those if the person tagging has a large following. I agree those people should be blocked.