
Yep, this shit with him and one or two other candidates (and the cowardly reasoning behind it which is that they're terrified of lawsuits from bigots, funded by TERFy Lord Strasburger) is why I say there are no good parties on trans stuff and the Lib Dems are merely less awful than Tories/Labour.
There is, sadly, a long history of the Lib Dems compromising their good policies to appease one weird bigot who accidentally got elected and became disproportionately influential because they have so few MPs. Hopefully the sheer number of new MPs this time means that's less of a factor. We can hope.
In the meantime, if you do have a new Lib Dem MP, worth writing to them and saying how much you support the party standing up for trans rights (even if you didn't vote for them and never will) so they get that feedback before hearing from the bigots (who *will* be out in force).0