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Apropos of nothing.
I've seen a ton of Acolyte spoilers but fortunately Star Wars names are all nonsense and until I actually watch the show I am going to be incapable of remembering or keeping straight any of them
Death uses a scythe because he comes for all, irrespective of class, and thus he is a hero of the proletariat.
My kids have a picture book of 101 Dalmatians but only the first like, ten minutes of 101 Dalmatians. No Cruella Deville, just a meet cute and then “well we had ten puppies and we are all very happy, presumably nothing bad will happen to us, the end.
Look my kid wasn’t napping so I told him we couldn’t play Lego after dinner tonight so don’t tell me I’m not making sacrifices for my children.
"I mean I don't think of myself as liking carrot cake, but have I really had any since I was a kid? it can't possibly taste like carrots, maybe it's time to be an adult about this" *cutting myself a slice* "oh right, they put raisins in these, eugh"
I know the timeline doesn’t work out, but it’s hard not to feel like America’s quadrennial two year long election process isn’t just another gambit in their campaign to draw attention to themselves
Eric is fine, nobody’s favourite Discworld. But establishing the Discs version of Odysseus as Rincewind’s distant ancestor is extremely good. Truly, lives defined by tumbling endlessly down an alternating sequence of frying pans and fires.
Luca got done so dirty. What an impeccable film.
They're making Planet Coaster 2 and I am slightly embarassed by how much good that has done my general outlook.
Minding my own business, listening to an unrelated podcast when suddenly somebody starts confusing the details or a Star Trek arc...
Okay, I know Robin Hood is an old movie that only Dads care about now and he’s only ever in the Tokyo park these days, but I just cannot get over the downgrade from the old costume.
New York likes to say it’s a world class city and maybe it is but then you find out it’s 2024 and they’re just now finding out about garbage cans.
Well the exciting news is that my son (3) has officially watched his first (half) episode of Star Trek. Now granted it was an episode of Enterprise which is not the one I would have chosen but you’ve got to start somewhere.
The weird thing about The prequel trilogy is that George Lucas is a pretty smart but extremely idiosyncratic guy with some kind of weird ideas writing about a waning order. So it’s kind of hard sometimes to tell in which ways the Jedi are bad on purpose.
Sesame Street characters in order of how much of a handle I have on their voice when I read stories to my children (from most of least): Grover Ernie Count von Count Bert Herry Monster Snufflupagus Oscar Big bird Prairie dawn Elmo Telly Zoe Rosita* *Feels offensive to even attempt
I’m gonna become a Trad Husband influencer, make TikToks mowing the lawn on a tucked Hawaiian shirt and pleated pants.
A podcast where each episode they watch one episode of the Addams Family and one episode of the Munsters to decide which one is better once and for all.
I like the sound of President Harris. Not in like a… I don’t really feel strongly about her either way, but if you were making a movie and needed a fake president, President Harris has the right sound.
It won’t fix much, but after all the Republicans debasing themselves to buy him time and extraordinary powers it will be extremely funny if Trump just loses the election.
Good Canada Day Parade, the fire hall brought out a vintage fire truck which was neat. Good use of a pretty big boat as a makeshift float. Special credit to the Taylor Speedway whose float, [a smashed up racecar on the back of a truck with a speaker blasting AC/DC] conveyed a vibe very efficiently.
Gonna run for office as a conservative on a platform of buildings special prisons just for the homeless and hopefully I can get all the way there before they realize I’ve just built free housing for the homeless but laundered it in carceral sounding euphemisms.
Martin Short keeps getting older but Jiminy Glick stays the same age.
You should be able to voluntarily go on the run from the law just for fun to see how far you can get.
Wet couple of days here. Anybody know if sudden heavy rain can wipe out an any colony? Asking for my enemy, the ants.
I never know what's going on on social media anymore. I have a strong urge to quit but like, there's no other discoverability left on the Internet for anything.
People who are happily married should post more about the bad parts so people don’t get an unreasonable impression of what healthy relationships are actually like. Not me though, my wife is an angel and I worship the ground she walks on, we are constantly very cute and also extremely attractive.
I feel like in remembering Donald Sutherland we are all letting Mr. Bennet off a bit easy. honestly kind of a mid dad.
I think a thing which, for lack of a better word, plagues Star Trek, Star Wars, really most science fiction, is that human beings are basically incapable of grappling with the actual scale of the earth and, by extension, alien planets.
Also, while we're at it, I realized doing the dishes yesterday that Steamed Hams maps pretty much perfectly as a Burns and Allen bit. too late for the meme and anyway what was I going to do, ressurect George Burns and Gracie Allen? Still, when I focus I can see it as through a glass darkly.
If you just look at the lyrics, Bowie's 'The Man Who Sold The World' reads like a They Might Be Giants Song. Somebody who is good at guitars: free idea for you.