
Backup n5 from 12.03: Well. Not a 🧵I planned to write first. But I often react to trends in my news and lately there is a huge amount of whitewashing towards russians. Maybe because of navalny Oscar preparation. And it's also done with accusations of Ukrainians being n-zi. During genocide. 1/16
I will not provide examples of such v*tniks who often disguise themselves as "pro-Ukrainian" in this thread because that is not the point of this exact thread. Even though their behaviour is disgusting.2/16
So. Let's start. Let's call this thread: "Why all russians are guilty". First of all, because their country for centuries did genocides and now they are doing it again with support of the majority of the population. And never in their history did they admit being guilty. 3/16
The amount of people who protested against war (but not atrocities russians did) in 144 million population is less than 50k. Which is less than 0,0003%. Less than statistical error. Were there big anti-war protests abroad organised by russians? None. 4/16
While they regularly organise pro-russian and pro-war one and holding fascist symbolic of russia. All while they pay taxes, send money to their homeland and attack Ukrainians abroad. 5/16
Even if a bigger amount of russians against the genocide they do and they stay silent - that doesn't change bigger picture. Doesn't stop russia from countless atrocities they do. Doesn't save lives of countless Ukrainians. 6/16
And it's not putin. It's russians. putin didn't launch missiles himself. putin didn't rape Ukrainian women. putin didn't torture and execute Ukrainians. putin didn't burn Ukrainians books. It's all russians. Willingly doing that. Even without order from above. 7/16
Those are important words. We need to stand up against any attempts to whitewash Russians or romanticize their country's past and culture. And they call us "russophobic"...