Andrij 🇺🇦

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Andrij 🇺🇦

80 years ago, on May 17 1944, Stalin deported 200,000 Crimean Tatars to Central Asia in a single night. Over 20,000 of them died in the first few days, many of them children. This ethnic cleansing is known in the Tatar language as Sürgünlik (the great exile).
Das imperialistische Russland instrumentalisiert den Alliierten-Sieg über Nazi-Deutschland und rechtfertigt so den Vernichtungskrieg gegen die Ukraine. Blinder Fleck vieler in Deutschland: Sowjetunion wird weiter mit Russland gleichgesetzt. Propaganda-Erfolg der Kreml-Machthaber.
🚢🔥 "Drone attacks on Russian ships turned out to be so effective that it may be about changing the strategy of the war at sea", - Syrskyi ❗️"Russians will not have peace on our land. Never. And every occupier should be aware of this," he added.
⚡️ "If Putin dies, nothing will change quickly. With the sudden changes in Russia, their attitude to the world, their worldview cannot change drastically. They actually became victims of their own propaganda", - Budanov
🔹Poland's military did not shoot down a Russian missile “because it knew the missile would not fly deep into their country.” 🔹Does this mean that Poland allows its territory for aggression in the sense of A/RES/3314(XXIX)? 🤡 Sometimes it's better not to explain at all
History goes in circles. A house in the center of Kyiv after the russian bombardment of the city in January 1918.
🇵🇱👀 "Russia may soon have such military potential as to be able to attack NATO as early as 2026-2027", - Polish President Andrzej Duda ❗️ The president argued for the need to increase defense spending by the Alliance countries.
💸🚫 "Russia has spent up to $211 billion to equip, deploy and support its imperial aggression against Ukraine. Putin’s chosen war will cost Russia $1.3 trillion ahead of expected economic growth until 2026", - Lloyd Austin
Heute vor 10 Jahren hat Russland die Krim annektiert und die Halbinsel zu einer mächtigen Militärbasis ausgebaut. Seit 10 Jahren führt Russland Krieg gegen die Ukraine. In „10 Jahre Krieg – Wie die Ukraine für ihre Freiheit kämpft“ fragen wir Menschen, wie sich ihr Land in dieser Zeit verändert hat.
Weltspiegel extra: 10 Jahre Krieg – Wie die Ukraine für ihre Freiheit kämpft | ARD Weltspiegel extra: 10 Jahre Krieg – Wie die Ukraine für ihre Freiheit kämpft | Video | Krieg in der Ukraine. Im Februar dieses Jahres ist der Angriff Russlands auf das Land zwei Jahre her - im Februar...
💔 In the past day alone, 83 Russian shellings (486 explosions) were recorded in Sumy region. Evacuation from border communities continues, — OVA. ❗️Constant shelling by artillery, aerial bombs and missiles, villages are simply "erased from the earth".
Meanwhile in Russia: Aleksandr Sytin stunned host Andrey Norkin by admitting that Russia is on an expansionist quest that reaches well beyond Ukraine. Norkin rushed to declare a short break.
Pundit stuns the host by admitting Russia's expansionist goals go beyond
The toxic mix of uncontrolled social media, corruption and evil powers happy to exploit it has created a global opportunity for fascism. Anybody who is bitter, an incel, has a lust for revenge or is just hateful can join the movement with a single click on a screen.
Ukrainian expert on drone warfare Serhii Flesh: “Within a year, both sides will produce enough FPV drones to target every soldier - all will be found & hit day & night in a zone of up to 8 km Infantry will retreat underground & surface activity will belong to ground robots”
Russia releases a list of 5 962 “foreign mercenaries” they claim to have killed in Ukraine. They claim that 1/3 of them are Poles. In reality, less than 10 Polish volunteer soldiers have lost their lives in Ukraine. 🇵🇱🇺🇦
particularly in the area of conventional weapons, according to a classified report. "It can no longer be ruled out" that Russia will attack at least part of NATO's territory "from 2026", for example in the Baltic states or Finland, the Business Insider report cites.
the movement of troops and the placement of missiles in the west of the country, as well as the increase in Russian arms production. The latter could lead to Russia doubling its military power over the next five years compared to today, 👇
❗️Germany received data on the possibility of Russia attacking NATO countries from 2026, Business Insider According to the analysis of German special services, Russia is preparing for a large-scale conflict with the West, as indicated by the reorganization of the Russian army, 👇
🔥 Map of attack on oil refineries in the Russian Federation for January-March 2024
Dutch PM, Mark Rutte, is considered by some as a potential new head of NATO. I don't think that is a good idea. Nobody who contributed to the grave worsening of Europe's security that Nord Stream 2 meant should get such a job. Rutte is seen on the attached photo between Merkel and Medvedev.
2/Betroffen sind, soweit bekannt, Nepalesen und Inder. Allein schätzungsweise tausende Nepalesen. Wie viele freiwillig sich zum Töten melden und wie viele gegen ihren Willen an die Front geschickt werden, kann man nicht zu 100% sagen.
Avatar 1/russland betreibt Menschenhandel Wie viel wert russland das Menschenleben ist, sieht man sehr deutlich daran, dass es im Grunde Sklaven an die Front schickt. Spätestens jetzt sollte jedem klar sein, gegen wen die Ukraine kämpft.
Wie Nepalesen und Inder wider Willen russische Söldner In der Hoffnung auf einen russischen Pass und viel Geld fallen junge Männer aus Südasien auf skrupellose Vermittler herein - und landen plötzlich an der Front im Kampf gegen die Ukraine. Von Charlotte...
🇻🇦Ukrainians should have the courage to go to filtration camps - said the Pope 🇻🇦Ukrainians should have the courage to go to torture chambers - said the Pope 🇻🇦Ukrainians should have the courage to accept occupation and dictatorship - said the Pope
War correspondent Dmitry Steshin admitted that Ukrainians in occupied regions are unhappy and blame Russia for invading Ukraine. Steshin says that Ukrainians who complain about an invasion of their country get their teeth knocked out by the Russians.
Dmitry Steshin describes how Ukrainians are treated in occupied
Residents of Odesa killed during russia's bombing of peaceful Ukrainian city 😢 #russiaisaterroriststate
🇳🇱 "EU’s newer members are bristling at the likely appointment of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as NATO chief", - Politico 🇪🇪🫡 About Kaja Kallas: "Are we really putting someone who likes to eat Russians for breakfast in this position?", the official said.