
Stupid Lore Sunday Of all the races of the galaxy none may be more redoubtable and hardy as the leagues of Votann. Known among themselves as the Kin, these squat, powerfully built abhumans are notable for their resilience and stolid nature. 1/
The Votann themselves are massive self aware machine intelligences revered by the Kin as supreme authorities and given the respect of gods. Many thousands of years old, the Votann are as prone to degradation and data loss as any system may be and much history of the Kin has been lost. 2/
Little is certain but it may be surmised that the Kin are ancient ancestors of humanity who left pre-imperial Terra aboard sublight ships bound for the galactic core Cut off by old night, forgotten by the imperium, the Kin forged their own path combining advanced technology and a robust society 3/
Largely unknown to the wider galaxy is the fact that all kin are clones. Grown and selected from a vast genome array to ensure stability. Upon their deaths Kin will have their minds uploaded to the ancestral cores, thus ensuring their knowledge is not lost. 4/
The Kin are also not a single body like the Imperium. Each league is comprised of many Kindreds each its own fiefdom overseen by its Grimnyr and Votann. Some such as the Greater Thurian League are well known while others rise and fall as fate dictates. 5/
More recently a minor League has begun to rise to prominence. Combining strategic alliances with races such as the Tau with an aggressive expansion, the Mercury-Bulsara Conglomerate has grown rapidly. Led by the ostentatiously named Queen Farok, the conglomerate is a fearsome opponent. 6/
The conglomerate has many kindreds deployed in mining operations reaching outwards from the core. Taking apart asteroids, small moons, and even space hulks for their precious ores. These Kin are not averse to turning their acoustic mining equipment against any who stand in their way. /7