
It is time to stop paying the New York Times a dime. Yes, that includes Wordle and the recipes. Sorry.
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
i post this I feel like almost every week and it's always over some article or op-ed that they've published. It's everything they do that should be viewed as tainted. Not even jamelle bouie balances all their awful shit.
when i say the NYTimes does not deserve your money, i also mean NYTimes cooking, NYTimes puzzles, and crosswords and wordle, Wirecutter, and all their podcasts
I also feel like this extends to the Atlantic (When i say the Atlantic does not deserve your money, i also mean their newsletters, their crosswords, and all their podcasts) And the grauniad, but I never bothered wrote one out like the two above as they've been rotten for years on trans topics.
Given court evidence on how openly Trump's handlers were writing stories to feed to media, how likely is it that NYT and Atlantic are doing it these days, that dark money writers the stories and media just spins a wheel to assign a writer's name to the byline?