
HUGE DEAL: New results from a WSJ-NORC poll show Americans’ support for abortion access is at one of the highest levels on record since nonpartisan researchers began tracking it in the 1970s. *** Support for Abortion Access Is Near Record, WSJ-NORC Poll Finds
Support for Abortion Access Is Near Record, WSJ-NORC Poll Some 55% of respondents say a pregnant woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason
55% of respondents say it should be possible for a pregnant woman to obtain a legal abortion if she wants it for any reason. 86% of respondents support abortion access in the event of rape or incest. 89% support it when a woman’s health is seriously endangered by the pregnancy.
77% of Democrats support access to abortion for any reason, up from 52% in 2016. 1/3 of Republicans support access to abortion for any reason. 🗣️ONE-THIRD.
The problem is that our elected officials don’t care what their constituents want. Unless those constituents are very, very, very rich. And also, those rich people don’t actually need to be constituents…
Democrats have been pretty consistent on making abortion legal for at least the last decade. Acting like that’s not been the case is strange.
I’m not specifically referring to Democrats individually (some are great on abortion) - I’m making a broader point here. It is absolutely true that Congressional reps do not listen to their constituents who don’t have $$. Just look what AIPAC bought …
Unfortunately there are plenty of Dems who will sign off on a less restrictive abortion ban if their big donors want one. They won’t ban it or agree to a six week ban. But just watch who seems ok with a 15 week ban ….
As long as whatever you do doesn't politicize the Supreme Court. Can't have that.
If only we could convince that 34% of respondents that the only way to always ensure a woman can get one if her life is threatened is by providing the any abortion for any reason that the 55% support.
11% don't care about the life of the mother? Psychopaths!
The big question is: What are the numbers when you only poll likely voters? People should not assume that all these pro freedom/reproductive healthcare respondents will vote.
Oh, they vote, it's just that for a lot of people(in the past anyway) a politician being a forced birther isn't a deal breaker. If you look at Ohio for instance, many people there voted both for JD Vance and to ensconce abortion rights in the state constitution.
Hearing stories about women being forced to carry dead babies until they themselves are almost dead highlights that many abortions are not done for fun. Abortion is basic medical care. I hope Dems run hard on this.
Nobody EVER said, “I think I’ll have an abortion today. Because won’t that be fun?” It’s a tough and very personal decision.
The people who vote to allow abortion, but then continue to vote for Republicans who openly work to ban abortion… are bad people.
Possibly one of the greatest tests of American democracy then? For if all of those Americans push for mandated access to female healthcare without the state level mess seen today And don’t get it? You don’t have democracy
I would guess that support is greater than 55%. More like 70-80%, especially if you ask women (and they can respond anonymously and without retribution).
Democrats are hoping they can win the next election with the promise of pro-choice legislation.