
White passing people of color get the inside scoop on white bigotry when the bigots start thinking their slurs will be cool.
i had to deal with ignorant bigots at the shelter the other week thinking it was ok to use the N word around me because they thought i’d be cool with that because i pass as white, but my grandfather was half black and half cherokee and i reported it to staff, they got in trouble and we have beef now
Yuuuuuup. I've talked about this before here but I had to listen to an old white lady rant to me about Mexicans being thieves and how they ruined Los Angeles and were ruining my hometown, I let her dig the hole until I said "you know I'm Mexican, right?" She didn't know what to do w/ herself.
Same! Also, Mexicans were in LA long before white people. My family is from that area long before amerikkka existed.